Chapter 25

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I peel off my dress and toss it into the corner of my room, not caring about the wrinkles that'll it get. I left everyone back at the dance, Bella, Asher, Rachael, and Rosie. I had given Bella and Asher a ride and I was supposed to take them home, but I left without even thinking.

I text Rosie and Rachael and ask them to bring Bella and Asher home. They immediately call me, probably wondering where I went.

"Rowan? Why do we need to give Asher and Bella a ride home? Are you not at the dance? Where'd you go?" Rosie asks frantically from the phone.

"I'm at home Rose. I–I wasn't feeling well. I felt like I had to throw up so I went home. I'm fine, don't worry about me. Seriously." I tell her, biting my lip. I really hope she buys my lie. I don't want to ruin her night.

Rosie seems to be a little hesitant before she talks, "Okay. I'll take them home. I'll see you later. Love you."

After hanging up with Rosie, I take a quick shower and get into my pj's. My phone dings with a tex, and I grab it from my night stand and see that Luke texted me.

L: u seemed mad at me. r u ok?

I ignore his message and place my phone back where it was. No less than a few minutes later my phone buzzes again.

L: ur not here anymore. did you leave?

Sighing, I decide to text him back, but only to get him to stop texting me.

R: i'm fine, and i'm not mad at u. just not feeling good

L: do u want me to come over? i can make you my amazing soup ;)

R: no it's fine

R: i'm really tired gnight

L: oh, well night princess ;)

Sighing, I turn my phone off and plug it into my charger. I just need to forget about what happened tonight. I need to get Luke off my mind and focus on the upcoming assignment. My feelings are going all whacky on me and I need to get them under control.



My very brief phone call with Rowan left me worried. Her voice was off and I could totally tell she was lying. She was so happy before the dance, so what changed? I need to find Rachael, ask her if she knows anything.

The dance has started to dwindle down, but for some, the night has just begun. I find Bella and Asher and lie to them, telling them that Rowan got sick and went home.

"Are you sure Rowan's okay?" Bella asks me for the millionth time.

"Yes, she is. I promise." I tell Bella.

Bella sighs but leaves me be. I can tell Asher is worried too, but I don't know what else to tell them. I can't tell them anything because I don't even know what's wrong. I hate not knowing what's wrong with Rowan. She can be such an easy person to read, but right now, I am totally lost.

I texted Rachael to let her know about Rowan's weird behavior. We both agreed we needed to get home to make sure she's okay. I told Rachael to meet me outside of the school but I keep bumping into people on my way out.

"Rachael!" I feel a person tug on my arm, so I spin around. "OMG, you look gorgeous! I love that color on you!"

I purse my lips, "Uh, thanks, but I really need to go."

I run off in a hurry, not even bothering to correct the person about my name. I continue pushing my way past the thick crowd, even accidently stepping on some girl's shoes. I hear her swear at me but I couldn't care less.

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