Chapter 21

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Wednesday night, the five of us, including Luke and Ashlyn decide to have a meeting. Our chef if making snacks for us but nothing will ease the tension that's going to be between me and Ashlyn. I've made my amends with Luke, but I'll still probably give him a bit of a hard time.

Rachael knows what happened at Kylie's house. She knows Rachael set me up. I know Ashlyn set me up. Now, I just need her to confess.

Rosie on the other hand doesn't know. I know I should've told her, I mean, she's one of the triplets! The truth is, I really haven't seen her much. I feel terrible, but I've just been so busy lately.

"They'll be here at six, so get all your information you found together. Especially you Rosie." Rachael calls from where she's sitting at the dinning room table.

Bella had invited me to come over today, but I had to make some lame excuse about being grounded. I feel terrible for lying, but you've got to what you got to do.

At six o'clock, on the dot, I hear the doorbell ring. I walk over to the door and open it, immediately regretting not having Rosie or Rachel open the door instead.

Ashlyn stands before me, arms crossed over her chest, a smirk playing on her lips. I glare at her.

"You see Rowan, or wait, are you Rosie?" She asks, clearly knowing I'm Rowan.

"Hi to you too." I spit out, letting her inside.

"You know Rowan, this is what it looks like to be on time." She pauses, a finger to her chin, "But, you wouldn't know that, would you?"

I am seconds away from punching her face. This girl has the audacity to talk to me like this in my house? Oh no. Not happening.

I take a step closer to her. "You really have the guts to talk to me like this? After what you did?"

She gives me an inncoent look. "What on earth are you talking about?"

"Don't act stupid bitch. I see right past your cakey makeup. You're not fooling me."

"Listen here British brat. I see what you're trying to do. You think everyone's buying your inncocent sweet girl act, but I'm not. You're just a canniving little bitch who thinks she can take my man. Well listen here, and listen close. Luke is mine, so back the hell away from him." She practically spits into my face.

Is this girl serious? She thinks I'm trying to steal Luke from her.

"Are you actully serious right now? I'm not trying to steal Luke from you. Oh, wait! He wasn't even yours in the first place! I hate to break it to you sweetie, but Luke doesn't even like you!"

She laughs a hideous laugh. "Oh really? Luke and I hook up all the time. He wants me. I know he does. Luke's just falling for your pathetic tricks right now."

Luke and Ashlyn hooked up before? Multiple times? This shouldn't affect me, but it does. Why should I care that Luke and Ashlyn hooked up before? I mean, Luke's not even my boyfriend, he has every right to hook up with anyone he wants. Yet, I'm still a little jealous that they hooked up.

"Hooking up doesn't mean anything. It just means he's horny and desperate."

"Oh please, you're just jealous that Luke would never want to hook up with a slut like you. Yeah. I know Rowan. I know all your dirty little secrets." She takes a step closer to me. She leans over and brings her mouth next to my ear, "Each. And. Every. Single. One. Of. Them."

She pulls away, an evil grin taking over her face. What does she mean by secrets? Which secrets?

I'm about to respond when there's a knock on the door. I leave a smirking Ashlyn and go unlock the door.

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