Chapter 20

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After school, I make my way over to the turf, where I already see girls warming up for soccer. I love soccer, it's my passion, but having Ashlyn on the team is a real downer.

I'm still very confident that there's something sketchy going on with the assignment. For example, why did it seem that only my earpiece wasn't working? Also, how would Ashlyn have known I was making my way out of the house when she didn't even tell me to get out in the first place? Not to mention that she didn't once try to text or call me to make sure I got out safe.

I'm so mad right now that I take the soccer ball and shoot the ball into the net. The sound of the ball against my cleat makes a satisfying smack and I smile to myself.

"Nice shot Rowan." Marley comes up to me smiling. "Shoot like that and you're bound to score."

"Thanks." I reply. Marley's one of the only players on this team who I actually like, and Lexi too.

Right as we begin warm ups, the devil herself finally shows up. Ashlyn.

I hear Lexi next to me sigh. "C'mon Ashlyn, hurry up. You're already running late."

"Sorry Lexi. I won't be late again." Ashlyn says firmly before joining with us.

I have to stop myself from practically gaping at her. Ashlyn is seriously a two faced bitch. She respects the hell out of Marely and Lexi. If they asked her to go run and get them Subway, I bet she'd do it in a heart beat. I'm however, a different story. I don't even think Ashlyn has said one nice thing to me since I've met her.

The rest of practice continues on. I stay as far away from Ashlyn as possible, and even shoot her a glare here and there. This might seem petty to some, but would it make it better if I said she did the exact same thing to me? She even "accidently" shot the ball at my face. Which, by the way left a small bruise on my cheek.

Coach Grant blows the whistle, signaling for all the girls to join. We're all hot and sweaty and are desperate to go home and hop into the showers. "Great practice girls! We have a game Thursday against Lincoln High." He blows the whistles again and we all disperse.

I'm taking my cleats off when a shadow looms over me from behind, blocking out the sun. Thank you to whoever has blocked the sun's torture. I look behind me and have to use my hand to block the sun.

"Hey Princess. How was practice? You're kinda stinky." Luke plugs his nose as if I didn't know what soap or deodorant was.

"You're just as stinky Carter, so if you could, take a few steps back." I wave my hand at him, indicating for him to move backwards.

Luke laughs at me but takes a seat next to me. I turn to put my cleats in my bag when I catch Ashlyn looking, no, more like glaring at me. What is her problem with me?

"You know, you're not a terrible soccer player." Luke smirks at me.

"And you're not as awful a football player as your teammates say you are." I retort back.

"Are you serious? I'm the best player on the team." Luke puffs out his chest, causing me to laugh at how ridiculous he looks.

"Cocky much?" I chuckle.

Luke winks at me. "Only for you Princess."

I'm about to say more when I hear my name being called. I pause what I'm doing and turn around, seeing Asher jogging towards me. Next to me, I can see Luke stiffen a little. Maybe Luke and Asher aren't besties?

"Rowan! Hey. What's up?" Asher says, grinning at me.

I smile at him. "Nothing much. Just dying to take a shower right now."

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