Chapter 44

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"There was an explosion at the warehouse." Rachael states, nervously pacing around.

I stare at her shocked, surprise evident on everyone's face. An explosion? Why would someone blow up the warehouse? There was nothing that we found there the last time we went there.

"Do we know who did it?" Luke asks.

Rachael shakes her head, "I have no idea."

Rachael continues pacing around, biting her nails. This is a habit of Rachael's that she uses when she's really nervous. I'm not sure why she's so nervous. We've been put in much more nerve wrecking situations and she hasn't pulled out this bad habit in a long time.

She seems more on edge, and I look over at Rosie, who gives me the same look. There's something that's bothering Rachael, and I'm not sure what it is.

"How long ago did this happen?" Ashlyn speaks up.

Rachael ignores Ashlyn's question and continues pacing.

"Hello? This is serious. Don't go off in to la la land." Ashlyn snaps.

"What?" Rachael asks, confused, "Oh! It only happened about 20 minutes ago. Whoever started the explosion would be long gone by now, but there must be some evidence left behind."

"It's about time something happens." Luke says, already standing up.

"Gear up and let's go." Rachael commands.

We all get up, rushing towards the weapons room and slipping into more appropriate clothing. I grab my extra gun, slipping it into my boot.

Luke, Flynn, and I take one car, while Ashlyn, Rosie, and Rachael take another one. Flynn had begged me to put him in a different car than Ashlyn, saying he didn't want any awkward advances.

"What's the plan?" Flynn asks.

"Split up and scope out the area. There won't be any people left at the scene, but there's definitely evidence." Luke responds.

The warehouse was hidden in a secluded area, but now, the warehouse is lit up like a Christmas tree. Once the fire is out, there won't be anything left.

"It's worse than I thought. We won't be able to find anything that's still legible." I say.

Luke parks the car anyways, everyone piling out. The smell of burnt wood and metal fills the air, causing me to gag. It's already hard to see because of the dark night, but the added fog is making our ability to see even worse.

"What do we do?" Ashlyn asks.

"Split up! See if you find anyone still alive and hurt. I bet there's at least one person hiding around here." I respond.

I'm about to make my away towards the back of the warehouse when I feel a hand grab my wrist.

"Wait up!" Luke shouts.

"What are you doing? We can cover more ground if we split up." I tell him.

Luke shakes his head, "I know, but—I just don't want you getting hurt again. I feel better if I'm with you."

My inner teenage girl swoons at the idea. However, my fighter side is currently taking control.

"Luke." I sigh, "I love that you want me to be safe, but I can take care of myself."

"I know that. It would make me feel much better if I was with you though. Please."

I let out a deep sigh, "Okay fine. We need to be extra focused though."

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