Lets talk

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I sat down and giggled at Michael realizing he's practically naked. He looked confused he was so focused on me that he didn't realize it either. I pointed to his clothes and watches his cheeks turn red. He handed me my shirt and pulled his pants back on. I laid my head on his shoulder and soon felt his lips on my head. He's always so sweet to me

"Can I see your face beautiful?" He asked while beginning to hold my hand. I then adjusted my position and layer my head in his lap so I could look at his face while obviously he looked at mine. I couldn't help but look into his eyes. I felt his hand caress my cheek while the other played with my soft curls. I've never felt so comfortable in someone presence before.

"So....what do you wanna know?" I spat out of nervousness "what do you wanna tell me?" He said sounding supportive "okay let's start with how we met and work our way from there"

"Okay baby"
"Why do you call me that?"
"Because you're my baby"
"Haha okay"


"He was my first boyfriend..and he was at first the best damn thing to ever happen to me so I thought, but he basically just stopped caring about me. He would hit me, yell at me, throw things at me, and call me names. I was ready to suck it up for the rest of my life until he....." she stopped talking and started to shift around in my lap. She sat up and just kind of held herself.

"Baby you don't have to say it"
"No I need to! I can't just hide it for the rest of my life Michael I can't keep saying it didn't happen!"
"But baby what if you're not ready to say it"

"I am....until he raped me...until he raped me...I was gonna put up with his abuse for the rest of my life because the old good times outshined the bad in my head. I was gonna let him bruise me up for the rest of my life until he raped me...my first time having sex god Michael....."

She started to cry....

I held her close to me and felt her body shake from crying.

"I didn't even experiment with guys at all before Robert! So I just thought that's just what sex like for a women....that's why I didn't wanna get close to you...I didn't wanna like you....but you're so sweet to me..you treat me so well and I don't know why. I always try to figure it out but I just can't! You..you've never hurt me..you've never forced yourself on to me. I should be so ready to do these things with you"

"Baby don't rush yourself"

"I trust you...I really do...please Michael " she said looking into my eyes "please don't hurt me"

"I promise" was the only thing I could think of saying right now

Who the hell is this guy and why would he do this to her.....


Michael risked his own safety to take me to get ice cream at my favorite place. It was so hard to get him in without people noticing, but we did. We were sitting in my favorite booth all the way on the far right all the way in the back. I ordered Superman ice cream and Michael was so confused. "Superman ice cream?" He questioned. "Yeah?"
"No way...."
The kid on the register had a laugh causing us to laugh.

We were served our ice cream and Michael looked a little confused. "Just eat it dork"
I watched as he hesitated to try the ice cream. He finally took his first taste and looked confused but interested.

"Okay okay it's not bad "
"It's amazing"
"Yea....yea it is"

We were just sitting having a good little conversation when this girl walked over with a young child. Michael was taken over by joy seeing the cutest little girl in the world. "Hi what's your name?" He decided to say "autumn!"
"Well it is very nice to meet you autumn"
"Nice to meet you too! What's your name?" She surprisingly said to me
"My name is Mina" I chuckled seeing all the energy she had as she jumped from tile to tile "are you a princess?! You're very very very very pretty like a princess!!" She said grabbing onto my hand. "Awe thank you, yes I'm a princess"

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