Seeing them in person- seeing Astrid in person was definitely not at all what he expected.

To him, the pictures didn't do Astrid Osborn any justice.

Ned thought the same as he nudged his friend, whispering, "Astrid is hot dude!"

"Any louder Ned, I don't think she heard you," Peter glared when he noticed Astrid look over at them for a moment before returning her gaze to Gwen who was introducing the group.

"Seriously, you should totally try to get with her."

"As if she'd ever-"

"And this is Peter Parker and Ned Leeds."

"Nice to meet you all," Astrid smiled politely, hoping she'd remember everyone's name.

Harry noticed how nervous his sister got, quick to put an arm around her, "I know we're new here and all but honestly, it'd just be great to be welcomed with open arms- and with how Gwen's described everyone at Midtown..."

"We're all a friendly bunch," Liz Allan smiled politely.

Michelle scoffed quietly, hoping to go unnoticed but Harry definitely noticed her.

It was hard for him to miss the beautiful quiet girl with messy hair clutching tightly onto a book avoiding any sort of eye contact with anyone.

"So, G, I know we said you'd give me a tour of the school but I kind of really want her to give me a tour."


"Me?" Michelle asked wide-eyed as she looked at him for the first time.

"Yes, you," Harry chuckled, that charming smile of his appearing again as he removed his arm from around his sister and stepped closer to her, "Michelle, right?"

Michelle slowly nodded, confusion hitting her as she straightened up, not wanting to seem like a weak damsel who lost her cool over the new hot rich kid, "Michelle Jones."

"I'm gonna call you MJ," Harry smiled.

"Oh no," she winced, "I'm not really a fan of nicknames-"

"Let's go MJ- wouldn't want to be late to my first class."

Before Michelle could protest any further, Harry walked off, leaving her stunned as she stood there.

"It's best if you follow him," Astrid advised, "He'll just bother you if you don't."

"MJ!" Harry yelled loudly, catching everyone's attention.

"I'm coming!" she yelled back, "God these rich mamma boys- no offense Astrid."

"None taken," Astrid sighed as she left, feeling her mood go down all over again at the mention of her mother.

Gwen noticed this and smiled at her best friend, bumping her shoulder playfully, "That's the good thing about being best friends with twins. One dumps you but you still have the other."

Her friends chuckled slightly, neither of them knowing what to say.

Astrid now looked over at Gwen though, biting her lip nervously, "Actually..."

"Not you too!" she groaned.

As much as she wanted to stick with someone she knew, she knew that this someone would not stop until she made her feel better and she didn't need that right now.

"I just- you're not going to be here all the time, I have to not get used to you so much, you know?"

"I guess," Gwen huffed as she crossed her arms, Betty putting a comforting arm around her.

"So," Astrid began as she turned to the boys, "Ned, Peter, are you up to showing me around?"

"Us?" both boys stuttered.

Liz laughed seeing how nervous they got, motioning towards Gwen and Betty, "Let's get to class before they make even more fools of themselves."

Astrid ignored the comment and instead looked hopefully towards them, "I'm guessing you two are best friends and where one goes, so does the other so..."

"You're wrong," Ned blurt out, "I mean we're friends but we definitely separate. In fact- girls! Wait for me!"

Before Peter could stop him, Ned ran off, making him curse quietly under his breath.

Astrid felt all sorts of awkward as she brushed her hair back.

Why couldn't she be as outgoing as her brother?

"You know what? Peter, it's fine. I'll just- I'll find my own way around."

Looking away from Ned giving him a thumbs up from far away for the first time, Peter looked at Astrid wide-eyed, "No! I um- I don't mind showing you around at all. I just- cmon."

"Are you sure? I don't want to be a bother."

"You are definitely not a bother."

And although he sounded confident in that moment, he was far from it.

He could barely handle himself in front of Liz Allan on a daily basis- how the hell was he supposed to do that in front of Astrid Osborn?

written: September 23, 2018
posted: October 9, 2018

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