"NO!!!!" A figure pushed Mirio aside and took the bullet.

1st. POV.

I panicked! I panicked when I saw Nemoto aimed his gun to Eri and jumped without thinking!!

I felt electricity ran into my body as my body became numb.

"(Y-(Y/N)...!" Toogata-senpai ran to me as I held Eri close.

"Finish it! Just fight Overhaul! I'll bring Eri to safety..." I panted. He nodded and went back to Overhaul.

My senses we're urging me to run. If I fight, I will die. A terrible death.


"!" I thrown my knife to Nemoto who was aiming his damn gun to me.


A bullet pierced my right shoulder clean, and my knife were stabbed into his shoulder. I noticed one of the bullet hit Toogata-senpai who was fighting Overhaul. Because of his attention we're diverted to Overhaul, he didn't noticed the bullet going to him.

He fell down and Overhaul seized that moment to punch him hard. Toogata-senpai was thrown back to my location. He stood up again looking tired and ready to pass out.

I felt Eri hugged my left arm. I went to grab my other knife, but a sharp pain from my shoulder stopped me.

Overhaul about to approach us slowly. But, the wall broke...

3rd POV.

With speed Izuku punched Overhaul until he skidded back a few meter.

"Night Eye! Secure the girl!" Eraserhead rushed to help Deku who was running toward Overhaul.

Night Eye took a minute to observe the area, before closing in to Mirio and (Y/N) then hugged them both with Eri still in (Y/N)'s arms.

"Splendid... Excellent job, you two." His tone quiver a bit.






(Y/N) screamed in panic as his wound were pressed into Night Eye's suit.

Realizing his mistake, Night Eye quickly released (Y/N) who fall down in pain. With a quick "apologize." He helped (Y/N).

"ALL YOUR EFFORTS ARE WORTHLESS!" Overhaul yelled before slamming his hands to the floor, and erupting spikes from below.

He pulled the unconscious Nemoto, then grabbed his mask, and killing him. The blood from Nemoto formed two more hands on Overhaul.

1st. POV.

"I'm in an awful mood right now... But this is a little better." He laughed a bit then continue his words, "What a tragic life, huh, Lemillion, and you... (Y/N)!" His voice darkened at my name.

"Only if you two hadn't involved with Eri... With me... Both of you would not have lost your quirks forever. And I could give you a painless death (Y/N)..."

He slouched his body forward and ran to us, "NOW DIE!!!" His steps were interrupted by Izuku who smashed him with a piece of the giant spikes.

Overhaul effortlessly blocked, "Power and speed... Is that it?"

A little projectile were launched to Overhaul. Turning to my left I saw Sir throwing something, "I'll take this guy on! Go take care of them!"

"Roger that." Izuku rushed to our location.

I Will Grow Stronger As The Time Passes (Bnha X Male Reader) (Hiatus)Where stories live. Discover now