Love Yourself

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Open your inner eyes and look at yourself
Admire it and hold on to it through worse.
Learn to love yourself only then
You can see the world in a new perspective.
Learn to appreciate your little feats
And try to see the beauty in your specks.
Your highs and lows make you who you are
So cherish your failures, raise the toast
Without them, you wouldn't come this far.
Beads of sweat gleaming on your face,
Adorn them like medals of a soldier cuz
Every huddle crossed, you win a war at life.

Know the value you hold
And let it shine from your eyes.
Doesn't matter what worth the world tags you,
For you, you'll always be a prized possession,
That others can't have and never would.
Gaze at your reflection with pride
Love it, adore it everyday
Hug yourself, kiss it 'night too.
Give it all the warmth and care
Instead of hoping it from others
And welcome the essence of being you.

Nobody stays true to you till the end
But you so be true to yourself.
Only you can lift yourself up,
Only you can make it hit rock bottom.
Give yourself the respect it deserves
Because people wouldn't otherwise.
Self-love drives away pessimism,
It makes you stronger, it makes you bold.

God has given you a body,
He's given you a soul,
Its upto you to make yourself a house or home,
For your soul to reside in winter;
Filled with bitter cold and hate
Or shower it with love
And make it bloom inside like the spring.
Else keep mourning, asking for more
Searching for happiness remaining unsatisfied
But know that happiness begins with you
When you begin to love yourself.

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