The Hidden Mirror

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~Make sure to answer a question I have asked below~

In the hidden mirror I found the real me
That truly reflected who I am or what I want to be
Yet I shattered myself into splinters for you
So that I fit into your defined frames, you never knew
My sharp edges weren't made for your curved ends
I'd rather find my own frame even if it has bends.

Your mirror couldn't reflect my true self
But the one I found hidden in my heart's shelf
Don't wipe me too hard to sparkle like the others
For this legacy and dignity dont cut down my feathers.
We're created different and I can't reflect them
I've got my own image to show, my own realm.

For you I'll keep trying knowing I will never succeed
A broken glass will never mend only makes one bleed
In the end, you cleaned me till I glow and be speckless
Only to raise the expectation bar and render me helpless.

But secretly everyday I will keep polishing my mirror
Hoping its gleam will reach your eyes and leave a tear
And you'll look at it with pride for who I've become
Accept me then and not let society make you mum.

But I'll do for you till I am back to dust
Because even when I'm shattered you pick me up first
And glue me together again with sweet words and love
Only to fit in your frame again till I see nothing above
And let my passion fade and hopes grey
Until I become another one of the dead prey...


Another update back to back! Ok so this poem is about parents forcing their choices on their children expecting them to carry on the family legacy etc.

I personally feel every child should do what he or she likes only then they can succeed and parents should let them develop their own interest and talent.

What do you guys think about this? Do parents always know what is right for their children or should they sometimes listen to their children also?


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