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Write when you feel the weakest
Write when you feel the lowest
Write in the miserable hours before dawn
Write in the vulnerable state of being forlorn.

Write to anchor your sloppy state
Write when you've got nothing but to wait
Write when failure knocks you down
Write to unfurl the sorrow that'd surmount.

Write when loss you can't bear
Write when disappointment makes you flare
Write when despair leaves you in a pit
Write when you've lost your wit.

Write to assuage your pain
Write to lose regret you gain
Write to express your talent
And let your words touch souls as they're meant

Write to give words to your thoughts inside
Let the world know you are not what you look outside
Write and win battles, bring change
Write to end violence, end rage.

Write to inspire, write to smile
Its good to empty your heart's content once a while
Write to be independent, write to be free
I always write... to be ME


And with this... I am back on wattpad!

Thanks for all the support till date. Stay tuned!


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