Author's Note

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Well hello there. If you're reading this then you're awesome! This is my first and maybe only story I'll write on Wattpad. I should've made this chapter first but whatever.

I'm a huge fan of Devil May Cry, this story just came naturally. I plan on focusing all my attention on this book. I may post several chapters a day or only a few, I may plan out a specific schedule in the future but right now I'll upload when I get a chance.

This book is kinda a "What if-." I like insert stories when they're done right so I decided to give it a shot. This isn't my first time writing stories, just my first time on Wattpad.

My goal is to reach a total of 200 chapters but I may shorten it accordingly. I doubt this book will blow up but if it does, cool.

The story itself is complicated but I assure you that it will all make since in the end. "Everything happens for a reason." This will certainly be the case with this story.

This story may or may not involve harem activity. Some interesting OCs' will come into play later. Lady has an interesting story arch with you, the reader. Trish will arrive later as well. Maybe Eva... maybe.

Comment on what you want to see in this story please. Oh. I think you all should know this story does not have a happy ending. :(

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