Chapter Forty-Two: I'm Coming, Laura

Start from the beginning

"Well, we have chills, thrills, and plenty of kills."

"These guys are absolutely nuts." Iris pointed out. I glanced at Ralph, who looked kind of terrified. I grabbed his hand, intertwining our fingers.

"SO why don't we meet our first contestants..."

"Ta da!" the curtain rose revealing a wheel and two hostages.

"They've got hostages." Iris pointed out.

"Shocking prizes are in store. "

"Oh Prank, what about the grand prize?!"

"Oh, I'm so glad you asked. Because we have an axid shower." She gestured to a red shower head hanging from the ceiling. She removed a tarp, revealing a little robotic toy on a metal chair.

"Oh no." The toy said.

"Sorry Mr. Beebo."

"Beeboo loves getting clean." She pulled a lever, turning it on. The axid poured onto the toy and it melted into nothing.


"Triangulating their signal."

"We need a special VIP to come down for our special show. So if you're watching Stretchy Man, Why don't you come on down and spin the wheel? You have one hour or these nice people die."

"There you are. They're at the old Clarx Toys Factory. In Lawrence Hills."

"Tick-tock Stretchy man. Times a wasting. SO let's spin that wheel!" The monitor shut off.

"I'm going to have CCPD create a perimeter a few blocks away, so they can't escape."

"Harry, how are you coming with the solvent for Trickster's Axid?" Iris asked.

"Well, slowly.Very difficult to neutralize a solvent that hasn't existed until today."

"You've got fifty-nine minutes."

"All I need is Fifty-eight."

"Ralph...suit up." I was still wearing my suit. Cisco came forward, handing Ralph a little black box just like mine.

"Well, you wanted a new suit didn't you? I even made it pocket-sized." I smiled, putting a hand on Ralph's arm.

"Is it Axid proof?" Cisco's face fell. "I can't do it, guys." He handed it back to Cisco.

"Ralph..." I said.

"These people need our help."

"Yeah, sorry, but me getting melted? That is a deal breaker."

"Were you only doing this because you thought you couldn't get hurt?" Caitlin asked.

"Yeah, why the heck else would I do this?"

"Because It's the right thing to do." I told him. "Because you have the ability to protect those who can't protect themselves. Ralph, I get hurt all the time, and I still do this-"

"Yeah, well you're better than me, I guess. I'm not that strong in the face of danger. I'm out."

"I've seen you be strong in the face of danger a thousand times!" I argued. He shook his head.

"Sorry, Laura. I'm sorry."

"Ralph..." He kissed the top of my head before leaving the Cortex. I sighed. "Ok then...right. Cisco, Caitlin, you think Killer Frost and Vibe can give me some back up?"


"Psst, Barry!" I stretched my neck down and put my head through the bars of Barry's cell.

"Ralph, what are you doing here?" Barry asked.

"I'm breaking you out." I made myself super skinny and slipped through the bars so that I was standing in his cell. I wasn't strong enough to face Trickster again, but Barry would be. "I mean, come on. You're a hero. Slap on some tights, go be heroic."

"Ralph, there are cameras everywhere, ok? They would know within minutes that I vanished."

"So? A minute to us is like hours to you. Just vibrate through the walls, go slap Trickster around, and you'll be back for whatever passes for dinner in this place."

"Trickster attacked again?" He asked. 

"Yeah. He and his mommy wanna tussle with me, but I have a rule against fighting terrorists with an Oedipus complex, so."

"Is Laura ok?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Yeah, why wouldn't she be?"

"She kind of almost died last time we faced him." I furrowed my eyebrows. I swear, my girlfriend is the bravest person I know...and her boyfriend is the most spineless. "Hold on, why is this different? You've done a good job handling bad guys so far. " I sighed, sitting on his bed and showing him my bandaged knee.

"I got hurt. Axel created some kind of acid that, we're guessing, can probably kill me. I'm not ready to die."

"Look, this job, it has a way of making you feel invincible. But every once in a while, a little mortality check shows up. Which is probably why Laura never got cocky, because every day is like a mortality check to her."

"I've been trying so hard to ignore this feeling, but...I'm not fearless like you are. Like Laura is."

"Ralph, I'm not fearless. I know for a fact that Laura's not either. I mean, I wake up every day in this cell and feel like there's nothing i can do do help anyone. I used to be someone who saved, and now I'm just Barry Allen, inmate number three-five-six-two."

"So let me spring you." I reasoned.

"That's not my point. Having the ability to help someone, but do nothing. That is a far worse death than anything the Trickster has for you. But rising above that fear and saving those lives, that's a greater life. Alright, so rise up. I don't think it's a stretch for you."

"You really believe I can do it?" I asked.

"Yes. Laura does too. You just need to believe in yourself." I nodded. "You know, she told me why you didn't ask her out all those years ago." I furrowed my eyebrows. "She also couldn't stop talking about how badly you wanted to be a man that she deserved. Go show her again that you are that man. She's counting on you, Ralph." There was a buzz and Barry's cell door opened. "Hey, you know your way out of here, right?"

"Yeah." I stood up and Barry left. He was right. Laura was counting on me. She let me go by myself the first time. She trusted me, and even after I got hurt, she believed that I could face the Trickster again. And Barry's right, she deserves a man that's willing to save the day, even if he might get hurt. 

I'm coming, Laura.

What Brings Us Together (A Ralph Dibny/ The Flash Fan-Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now