Chapter Four

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I am so disappointed I didn't see any more of the hot guy. His house is opposite mine, but I guess he's must have been busy with stuff and school. I did end up meeting this boys Harrison at the shop, he wasn't as nice as my hot guy, but a friend is a friend right?
Harrison is a sixteen year old boy, he lives with his sister Mia. Their parents aren't around anymore his mum died when he was eleven, and his dad is in prison for robbery and murder, so he says I honestly feel he isn't telling me the truth, but who am I to judge him.
'And there lives Lola' explains Harrison to me,
'She's a bit of a weird, umm she sleeps around and wants to be a porn star when she's old enough' I spits out the Diet Coke I was drinking and starts laughing at him, I honestly don't know if what he is telling me is the truth at all.
'What?? she wants to be a pornstar,.... you're kidding me, right?'
'No Marie seriously that's what she wants to do.' Does he honestly believe her? Do I believe him? I think to my self, well that's definitely Lola is one person to keep away from, I can't see me and her seeing eye to eye. We walked to the park and Harrison introduces me to his friends, Rosa, Alex and Jade. Jade stood out the most to me, because she seem so nice and generally seem interested in me, she was very quiet at first, but she seemed ok. But I didn't feel comfortable with Alex and Rosa they are a couple, Rosa seemed not to like me talking to Harrison at all, I felt her daggers in my back every time I was talking to him, and Alex well he couldn't seem to take his eyes off me and several times our eyes meet and he grin at me and wink at me which made me feel so uncomfortable especially as his girlfriend is sat next to him, I was so happy when they decided to leave early as they had other plans.

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