Chapter Forty Four

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'THEY ARE HERE, GET YOUR BUTTS OUTSIDE NOW' shouted some guy I don't know, he's running through the houses, he stops at the front door turns and yells,
'COME ON GUYS LETS KICK BUTT NOW' then he runs out the front door Joel grabs my hand,
'Come on Marie I need you to come with me' he pulls me out of the house, and into the front garden.
'Please stay here, I need to take care of this they have been threatening us, I need to go help' he kisses the top of my head.
'I won't move Joel, I promise I'll be right here when you come back' oh my god I sound pathetic. Oh wow Joel rushed me off so quick I forgot my drink. I watch as Joel runs down the garden path, he takes a look back at me, it makes me blush and smile, then he's gone.
'Marie what you doing out here' I turn and see Jason walking up to me holding hands with some blonde girl he has meet here,
'Well there seems to be a argument going on and Joel doesn't want me to move from this spot' I use my fingers to point where I am sitting, damn I maybe slight drunk already, oops.
'Oh well this lovely lady has persuaded me to take her on a walk wink wink' yeah a walk my ass I think to myself,
'Well guys enjoy your walk' I smile at them both and then Jason hands me the bottle of drink he was drinking from,
'Here Marie this could be a long night of sitting for you' he laughs.
'Yeah thanks Jason' I grab the bottle of drink out of Jasons hand, he waves as he walks off with the girl. I start to slip the bottle of drink while I wait, it actually taste disgusting, as drink I try and work out what's going on from the shouting, but I can't make it out, I can't really see anything or I've just had too much to drink. In the road there is two group of guys one from the party and the other group I have no idea who they are, I can't even see who's who it's too dark and blurry, but I take it things are getting pretty intense. Next thing I see is people pushing each other, oh great a fight. I end up talking to this girl while the fight happens, from what I can gather this is a rivalry over some girl, this boy Ricky or James or someone wanted to date and some other guy ended up dating her and hurting her, I only listen to bits of it as I have no interest in it. Then she tells me her boyfriend is apart of the group that turn up causing trouble I was a little shocked, but she swears she has no issues with anybody. I promise myself as soon as Jason is back from his walk I am going to get him to help me find Jade, then we are going to go back to mine to watch a dvd and eat junk food. There is no way I want to sit out here all night, I am just bored out of my mind, and I've drink most of that bottle. That girl must of got bored of me, because she vanish without saying anything I mean I wouldn't want to be talking to the drunk girl who isn't listening to me, I giggle to myself.

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