Chapter Thirty Six

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Will POV
My Mom called me and told me to come home, I hate to leave Marie at this difficult time, but Marc was there for her. When I got home my Mom handed me a letter, I open it and read it through twice.
'I just don't know what to do' I tell my Mom as I reread the military school letter for a third time. I apply for this months again and now I am happy it's come back they want me.
'They finally have a space for you William, it's your dream sweetie you can stay with Marie it's only six months' she responds to me I know my Mom is kind of hoping I pick to stay with Marie as she hates the idea of me going in to the army, and going to military school is one step closer to it.
'Her Mom and brother have just walked out on her how on earth can I do the same, her Mom has literally just left her to go to England, I can't be the next person to go' tears come to my eyes, I love her so much and I've seen the pain her Mom has done to her. My Mom comes and hugs me,
'I know you'll make the right choice for you William, and I know Marie will support you hundred percent. The timing isn't perfect, but when was it going to perfect? If you choice to go I'll be here for her and so will you dad. We'll support her William, I look at her as my daughter I have grown close to her and I ain't going turn my back on her I also have responsibility to get her educated and you are forgetting Marc is here too' my Mom passes me a box, shit Marie's promise ring, kinda has come at the right time too.
'This came today to' she smiles at me
'Mom I need to think this through' even though I know in my heart I know what I will chose.
'William you do what's best for you. Marie will understand she loves you and if she doesn't there are plenty of other girls out there' I look at her and smile
'I don't think I want any other girls now I found my soulmate' I walk out of the kitchen and go upstairs to my bedroom. I don't know what to do, my whole life has been planned. I text Marie and tell her I can't come back tonight and I'll see her tomorrow. Can we survive six months? I'll have to let her go and come back. I look at the promise ring I got her, this seems perfect now to give her as a going away present. My promise to her I will come back to her. I look at the pictures of us on my phone. I know what I am doing is selfish but it will benefit us in the future. I know what I have to do now.

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