Chapter Fifty Seven

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'Marie Pipe' the doctor calls my name, I look at Jane (Wills mum) and she nods her head, I get up and follow the doctor in to her office, Jane follows.
'How can I help you today Marie?' The doctor asks,
'I think I am pregnant' I tell her,
'I've done a home test and it's positive, well I've actually done two and they both are' I inform her,
'Ok Marie go behind the curtain and remove your bottom half, then lay on the bed use the blanket to cover yourself we'll be in, in a minute' I walk behind the curtain removing my leggings and thong.
'Ummm I am ready' I say as I am putting the blanket over my legs cover my lady parts.
'Ok I am just guessing you aren't very far along, so I am going to have to do an internal scan as we won't be able to see baby' the doctor instructs me to place my feet together and let my knees open, oh my god this feels weird.
'Ok now going to insert the probe Marie'
'Ok' I reply holding Janes hand.
'We've I've found baby' the doctor says,
'But... (oh my god be ok tears come to my eyes) you are more like two months than four weeks sweetie, lets me change the scan equipment we don't need to do an internal'
I look at Jane tears running down my face,
'It's your grandchild Jane it's Will's baby' I whisper to her, she smiles at me and tears come to her eyes, the doctor continues the scan with the right equipment this time.
'Well get yourself dressed Marie and will have a discussion after what happens next.' I wait for them to go behind the curtain and get dressed, I look at my promise ring and kiss it,
'Thank you for the leaving present baby' I whisper to the ring. I walk out and sit at the desk,
'Well Marie going by your scan you are in fact around the nine week mark, so your due date will be the ninth of October, baby was conceived around the sixteenth of January' I start laughing then crying,
'He gave me a going away present' Will's mum looks shocked but happy,
'Guess I know now where he was when he was missing then, my son went to military school on the sixteenth of January and was with Marie most of the fifteenth and early hours of the sixteenth' the doctor smiles,
'You need rest now, also take folic acid to help with the baby, but part from that everything should be fine, let's book you in for your twelve week scan and twenty week scan. I'll take you bloods today and again at twelve weeks. Well for the twelve week scan I can fit you in on the twelfth of April at twelve
fifteen, and lets see for twenty week scan the sixth June should be fine, let's say nine twenty' I look at Will's mum.
'Jane please can you come with me Will won't be back by then will he?' She pulls me into a hug.
'No sweetie he won't be but I will be here for you and so will the Grandads' the doctor takes my blood while I hold Jane hand, I look out the window Will would be proud of me now, he knows how much I hate blood.
'How are we gonna tell him?' Will isn't allowed his phone or any contact with anyone til after the six months, her faces drops.
'I don't think we can till July' it's the thirteen of March, my heart drops there is no way he'll know about our baby.
'Right all done here are your scan pics Marie and I'll look forward to seeing you on the twelfth of April' I gave the doctor a wave as we leave the room.

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