Chapter Two

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'And we've landed' my Mum says happily. She like me and Kye was dying to get off this plane, as much as she loved us and we loved her, but twenty four hours of traveling together, in a tiny space was not enjoyable as there was a lot of arguing, which isn't really good for any of us.
'Come on guys Marc going to be meeting us' Mum says she just can't wait to see him again it's been a like month, since she last saw him as he moved out here to get everything ready for us all.
'Ughhh' I moaned to Kye behind our Mum's back, 'Three guesses what will be happening tonight brother dearest' I whispered to Kye. As much as I am was happy for my Mum, Marc isn't my Dad. Not that I know my really Dad at all. Mum has always told me and Kye our Dad just up and left one day when I was six months old. I am not sad about it as I don't remember him or anything, there isn't even any pictures of us together. I was told by my Mum when she found out, she was expecting me he ask her to get rid of me. Which didn't happen thank god or i wouldn't be here obviously, but that is due to the fact she was too far along in her pregnancy to terminate it. Not that she regrets having me, well I hope she doesn't. So she ended up keeping me, and my dad finally came round to the idea of having a daughter, but my Mum gave me her surname as my Dad couldn't be bother to turn up to register my birth and put his name on my birth certificate, he is on Kye's birth certificate though. This why a lot of people don't think we are related, because we have different surnames.
After waiting what feels likes forever we finally got our bags and meet Marc, it's a bit uncomfortable watching your Mum kissing her boyfriend in the middle of the airport. Then we the hit the road to go to the our new house, which was meant to be amazing according to my Mum, it's somewhere in Virginia beach, me personally have never heard of the place.
'How much longer' moaned Kye, I knew he would be moaning, and to be honest I am sick of traveling too.
'Not much longer Kye' my Mum replies
'I ain't gonna get a lay tonight' he moans, I rolled my eyes at him,
'Is that all you think about?' I say to him.
'No, smoking and pussy' he stuck his thumbs up at me and grins. Brilliant, I just roll my eyes at him for the second time. I chose to ignore him and looked out the window. I missed mine and Kye's closeness at one point we was inseparable, but due to the stairs accident, we ain't no more. This is my fresh start I think to myself and no one is going to mess it up for me...

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