Chapter Fifty Eight

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'Dinner tonight at my house Marie, invite Marc and we'll tell him and Tony, about the baby tonight' I nod then I idea comes to me,
'Jane do you reckon we could make a usb stick of my whole pregnancy so Will doesn't miss anything?' She looks at me and smiles,
'That's a lovely idea, when do you want to start?'
'Today, but let's take pictures of the pregnancy tests first, and let's put together a photo album of the scan photos, so then we can continue it when baby here'
'And I will take pictures of your bump every week and we could video scan appointments and record baby's heart beat' Jane seems excited about this,
'Yes I love that idea, I want to write a letter to him something to explain what happen. Oh my I want him to know what sex baby is before me I'll ask the doctor to do a surprise envelope for him, but he's going to be hurt isn't he'
'Yes, no you know he'll come round and besides he loves you' I hope he still loves me.
'Jane do you mind coming to all these appointments with me? It would mean a lot if you did come' Jane smiles and holds my hand.
'I would be honoured to be there for you and we'll deal with my son together, I promise'

'Right Tony and Marc, I took Marie to the doctors today and she has something to show you both' I glance at her, giving a nervous smile and pass them both a scan picture, Jane is recording us for Will on my phone, Marc and Tony both turn their heads towards me with a look of confusion on their faces.
'You both are gonna be grandads, in October' Tony looks shocked and Marc walks around the table and hugs me.
'Thank you Marie, are you going to tell your Mum' I shake my head,
'I don't want Will to be last to know I feel she should be' Tony hugs Jane and then me,
'Thank you' he whispers in my ear and then shakes Marc hand.
'Will won't be able to know until July' Tony says, I fight back tears this is wrong, he should of found out with me.
'Me and Marie are going to make him a usb stick with everything on for him, that's why I was filming your reactions' Jane explains.
'Oh that makes sense and its a good idea' says Marc.
'Marie I think we need to clear out Kye's old room for the baby' I smile at Marc and nod my head, they have all taken the news so well, I just wish I knew how Will would take it, will he be happy or upset? Will he hate me? Well only twenty weeks till he is back I hope they fly by.

When I get home, I decide there is one more person I need to message. I unblocked Joel and send him a message, I feel it's only right to let him know the baby isn't his.

Me - hi Joel went to the doctors and they scanned me, I am 9 weeks pregnant, I am sorry the baby isn't yours and sorry to involve you in this mess. I hope we can be friends.
Joel - I don't believe you I want a DNA test when its born. We'll always be more than friends Marie don't deny it
Me - it's Wills baby not your baby and well will be no more than friends Joel that's the most I can offer you be grateful I ain't still pissed at u!
Joel - idc I slept with you 4wks ago until I have proof I will finks it's my baby. I wil b back for you and the baby. And don't fink Will will stop me either me. He'll fuck up again Princess I'll be waiting for him to do that, even if I have to wait years. Look after yourself and the bump, I'll be back for dna when he/she arrives, and don't bother blocking me again cos I'll want to know how u and pregnancy is going, if u do block me I'll just send my mom to keep a check on u princess. Ily 🖤

I drop my phone. Brilliant, just brilliant, I don't want his Mum dropping in. Ughhhh I should of waited till I saw the scan, but I did think I was only four weeks ago not nine. Will going to be so pissed off. Roll on July.

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