Chapter Fifty One

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Joel's POV

Send to Will - I've fucked your girl mate, damm she's something special, shame I am walking out on her too. Wonder who'll be picking up the pieces this time. You left her in a state, she was heart broken and I took great pleasure in taking her mind off you. Joel.

I smile at the text message, and then decide against sending ait. Damm, I wanted to get revenge on Will, but I actually fell for her! This isn't right and doesn't happen. I have to face facts, I need to tell her it's over. Part of my heart breaks, but I know I can't keep her, her heart belongs to Will, I know that, so does she somewhere and I am sure Will does too cause his heart belongs to her. I have no doubt he'll be back for her, he's a idiot if he doesn't, me and him could of been the best of friends but he has this annoying habit of having to be perfect at everything and he's so sarcastic. I am currently walking to meet her at KFC this will be the last time I see her for awhile I don't know if I will see her again, if she gets back with Will he won't let me see her. I spot her sitting on a bench outside KFC, she doesn't look right.
'Hey Joel' she says as she sees me walking up, I notice she's only got a milkshake, maybe she isn't feeling well.
'Let me order Princess and I'll be straight back out'
I order a three piece meal and bring it straight outside, to join her at the table, she doesn't seem her normal self at all today.
'I have to go to my Dads, I had a good month with you, but I need to go get my life sorted' I pause a minute, She doesn't seem to upset just quiet and sad.
'And we both know you miss Will' I wish I was Will him and his stupid ass running out on her, I know she says she's fine with it, but how can anyone be fine with someone leaving like he did and no contact for six months. I've had a good month with her, no it wasn't all about the sex. I generally saw what a good person she was. All my friends liked her, I can't do a long distance relationship, I don't know when I'll be back or even if I will be back.
'Are you not coming back Joel?' She asks me.
'I'll be back for the holidays, but I won't be permanently back, I don't get on with my step dad so it's for the best I only visit not stay here'
'When you leaving?' Why is she so calm?
'Tomorrow at twelve I need to pack tonight' she just nods her head.
'Well I guess this is goodbye then Joel, thank you for being here for me when things was tough, have a good life. I might see you when you are visiting I guess' she smiles and gives me a hug.
'I really hate saying bye to people I've grown close to' she laughs.
'I know it's been a tough couple of months for you, I swear everyone is a idiot who's left you' I kiss her head.
'Including you?'
'Yeah I suppose so' we both start laughing for a bit.
'Go pack Joel, and say bye to your friends, I won't ever forget you'
She gets up and walks away from me. I can't let her go like this I get up and run after her I catch up to her easy, grab her arm and kiss her lips passionately, 'Goodbye Marie' she smiles and gives me one last kiss. I turn and walk home I guess this was for the best, she doesn't seem fazed I am going at all, guess she was used to byes. I will be back for her on day, whether she is back with Will or not, and if she is back with him he'll have a fight on his hands.

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