Chapter Twenty Six

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Will POV
It's Friday night time to get my girl back, I watch her Mom then Marc leave their house and I feel it's time for me to go there, ok I am a hour early, but I have brought pizzas, Doritos, and chocolate so I kinda need the pizzas to be cooking therefore a good reason to be early. Ok who I am kidding I just want to be there with her, I've missed her so much.
'See you later Mom' I say as I walk into the kitchen,
'Are you coming home tonight William?' She says to me, I laugh at her.
'Mom I may want to marry Marie, but I want to take things slow' I love how she is cool about me and Marie, and how I can stay there.
'Anything changes you text me ok William' she give me a hug. No I ain't planning on losing my virginity tonight, yes I want it to be Marie and yes I want to marry her I've decided that in our time apart. No one else have I ever had feelings for this strong. I grab everything I need for tonight and walk to Marie's house, I knock on the front door and Kye opens it.
'Oh, hi Will Marie wasn't expecting you for another hour, she's in the bath. But come in make yourself at home mate' I've always liked Kye but I don't agree with his drug habits, and tonight he looks on edge I have this feeling he's waiting for something.
'Thanks Kye, I've brought pizzas over, but she'll kill me it I burn them, so I'll let her do them' Kye laughs a bit too much at my comment.
'Yeah princess don't eat burnt food' there is silence between us while I walk into the kitchen. Kye cleans his throat behind me,
'Erm Will I need to ask you something, but I don't want you to mention to Marie yet' I look at him I don't really understand,
'You can ask me anything, but until I know what it is I can't promise I won't say anything' he looks at me and smiles,
'I already know the answer to my question, but I am gonna ask you anyway, if there comes a time where I can't be here for Marie will you promise me you'll look after her for me? I kinda know you will but I need to be sure' where on Earth has this come from sometimes Kye surprises me,
'Of course Kye I will, are you planing on going somewhere?'
'Well there is something big that's going to come out and I don't know how she'll take it and I may have to go, I don't want to but just in case I do, I want to know someone is here for Marie' I nod, I understand that, I really do.
'Oh hi Will I didn't realise you was here' I turn and see my gorgeous girl, well soon to be mine again coming down the stairs in her pjs and her long black hair in platt's.
'Hi Marie you look lovely, I brought pizzas over I was going to put them in the oven, but I might burn them and you don't like burnt food' she laughs,
'No one does Will' she rolls her eyes.
'Well I feel like a third wheel here, I am going out for a bit, need to meet someone' Kye say as he walks out the door. Marie's put the pizzas in the oven and is now sitting on the kitchen counter.
'So anything new happening then Will' well I guess it's now or never,
'There is something, I need to ask you' I take her hand and stand between her legs
'I love you Marie, you are my everything, please taken me back and be my girlfriend again' she stares at me.
'Oh my god. You want me back' she says and wraps her arms round my neck and gently kisses my lips.
'I take that's as a yes babe' I kiss her again.
'Shit Will the pizzas' she pushes me out the way and opens the oven,
'Thank god they ain't burnt'
A couple hours later and we are cuddled up on the sofa, well Marie practically laying on top of me asleep, I kiss her head. I love this girl so much and now the film is over I guess I need to leave,
'Marie, baby let's get you to bed' she mutters something I don't understand, fine I'll carry her to bed.
'Will put me down I can walk, please' I am pretty much up the stairs,
'Baby I am up the stairs now, I'll put you on the bed' I lay her on the bed, and she pulls me on top of her and cuddles up to me.
'Stay with me Will please, I'll keep my hands to myself if you do' she sticks her tongue out at me. I smile and text my mom saying I am stay with my girlfriend, I then cuddle up to Marie and fall asleep with her in my arms.

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