Chapter Twenty Five

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My phone goes go, ughhh who's texting me this early, ok ten am isn't early but when I ain't at school it is. I look at my phone -

Will - Date night Friday night? 6pm good for you?'
Me - yeah 6 is ok for me, my house?? My mum and Marc won't be in and Kye will probably be in his room
Will - yup that's cool for me 😌
Will - Suicide Squad?
Me - yes that's my favourite film at the moment
Will - I know I ain't watched it yet I thought Friday would be good

Date nights for me and Will was just chilling out it's not actually a date, just watching a film and catching up on stuff, we haven't had one in like forever. I smile to my self and roll over and go back to sleep.

Will's pov
I made a mistake, I still love her. That night with she had with Jason, I've never felt so jealous before in my life, and even though when I found out nothing happened between them I still wasn't happy he was that close to her. Jade approaches me while I am deep in thought over Marie,
'Hey Will, you ok? Have you sorted out the date yet?' She asked me,
'Yeah I am good. Date night Friday at six, I made a mistake leaving her I just hope she'll have me back' she looked straight at me and smiles.
'I know u did, everyone does. You both still care about each other, just hurry up and get back together it's annoying seeing you two like this' she laughs sometimes I hate her, I sit in silence,
'When you going to tell her how you feel?' Jade ask
'Friday' I replied,
'No before date night or after Will'
'Oh come on William don't be grumpy, you know she still likes and loves you, like you do her. She told me she's leaving it to you, she's even called you her other half and soul mate' I smiled to myself I honestly feel the same, Marie is my other half of me and my soul mate. She was everything to me and still is. To think I am just sitting around hoping she still loved me, when clearly we are both crazy about each other. I made a mistake letting her go once, I really don't want to again.
'Thank you Jade, it means a lot to me you wanting to help me get her back'
'Think nothing of it, and I ain't doing it for you, just remember you ain't the only one hurting Will she is too, she misses you so much' I smile to myself I got too scared of my feelings, and I let her go now I am demand to get her back and never let her go again, in fact I am willing to give up the army for her, I love her more than anything.

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