Chapter 2: Baby Steps

Magsimula sa umpisa

(Y/n): Now that's just nasty.

The girl from early walked from behind the monster, her eyes were crimson. She hugged the beast.

(Y/n): Seems I'm a little rusty, I should've sensed you when we first met.

???: That's what they all say.

The girl turned into gray goop and morphed into the big demon.

(Y/n): Cool trick. Got anymore?

The demon slithered closer before sniffing and biting at the air around me.

(Y/n): Sorry. You're gonna have to ignore the stench. I didn't get a chance to shower before entering the house of his holiness. You think he'll forgive me?

???: You smell different! You're no human. What are you...

(Y/n): Funny how everyone keeps asking that.

???: You smell of him. The son of SPARDA! It cannot be! There's another?!

(Y/n): Oh boy. Fame is a funny thing isn't it? Mind giving me your name?

???: My name doesn't matter. But if you must know, it's Vokon!

(Y/n): I'm (Y/n) nice to meet ya.

Vokon: (Y/n)? Son of Ophiel?!

(Y/n): Sure.

Vokon: You are supposed to be asleep!!

(Y/n): Gee thanks mom. What are you, the sandman? Well no thanks, I've had plenty of sleep...

Vokon: I will kill you where you stand!!! And bring your corpse to the rightful ruler of the UNDERWORLD!!!

(Y/n): What a mouthful. Hope you got room for dessert!

I whipped out my two guns, Yin and Yang! I sprayed the inside of the demon's mouth with bullets! It winced in pain before attacking!

(Y/n): WHOA!

I jumped off it's thin head and ran across the wall before coming to a stop behind it. With my sword, Justice, I began slicing and dicing it's long ass tail!


Vokon, I think it's name is, tried hitting me with it's tail. BLAM! BLAM!


I ran up the tail and jumped up real high before bringing Justice down on it's head HARD! It fell back smashing the pews to bits.

Vokon: Try this...

It began to summon some kind of large purplish orb of energy.

(Y/n): Hmm. NOPE! Still here.

It then launched it at me, destroying the whole right side of the church! Luckily I dodged.

(Y/n): Wow.


It lunged next to me smashing more of the building as I dodged all it's poor attempts.

(Y/n): If you don't calm down there won't be a wall to paint!


It summoned a huge ass purple energy orb that surrounded everything.

(Y/n): Oh shit...


No one's perspective;
A huge purple explosion leveled a whole street! There was debris everywhere.

(Y/n)'s Awakening Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon