Chapter 46

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Tamara's POV

I opened my eyes as far as i could as they were swollen I felt pain every where.
He walked up to me and spit on me, I could taste my bitter blood as it dripped right out my busted lip.

"Come on I want you to smile ok its going to your little boyfriend." He said with his sinister smile

"Fuck you asshole." I saod barley under a whisper

"I can organise that seeing you busted amd bruised in chains is turning me on." He said as he rubbed his crotch

I moved back slightly only groan and cluntch my gut. I felt my tears ran down my face.

"What do you want."

"I just want to make a little money out of you." He said as he bent down near me
"Know smile." He siad as his playfulness disappeared

He takes out his phone and takes a picture of me.

"Lets hope your boy toy gets the message, and he better stop looking where he is not needed. "He said as he gets up and walks out
"Get comfortable."

I looked around and I was in a dark area no windows and a black door with one source of light a light bulb that flickered on and off. I burst out crying

What did I ever do? Fid I fall for the wrong man ? I cant let this be my life?

A girl walked in with a bucket of water she barley had any clothes on just a flimsy night gown. She knelt infront of me and took out a towel, dipped it in the water and wiped my face.

"Thank you, what's your name" I asked her as she lightly dabbed my wounds around my body, I hissed a couple of times

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

"Thank you, what's your name" I asked her as she lightly dabbed my wounds around my body, I hissed a couple of times.

"It's ok, my name is Bella." She said her voice coming out smooth and soft

She got off her knees and grabbed the bucket. She walked over to the door.

"Bella why are you here?" I asked

"That is non of your concern, you should be worried about yourself." She said in a harsh tone

"Sorry don't you wanna know my name." I said curious

"Why I already know it Tamara." She said as she closed the door

I started to hum a song my mother would sing to me when I was young, a little church song that kept me going.

"The winds and the waves shall obey will, peace be still...... ahhhhhhhhhhhh" I sang quietly till I couldn't take it anymore, I screamed and cried as I sat in the corner


I closed my eyes and fall asleep.
I was woken up not too long by a kick to the gut.

"Hey princess its time to wake up." The deep blue eyes stared at me

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