Chapter 33

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Tamara's POV

I don't know what I am feeling but I know I really enjoyed the kiss with Jason. Last night I was pretty disappointed that he did not bothered to talk to me on the phone.

"Really this is becoming awkward for everyone." Nelly said to us

"Hey guys whatsup." Lauretta said walking over to the table and sitting next to Andrew

"Just these two." Jake responded

"Do we really have to take about this." I said quietly

"No we have to address this problem." Nelly said slamming her hand on the table

"How about you all mind your own Damn business!!" I shouted then got up and walked away. Before I left I saw everyone stunned by my outburst

"Dude follow her." I heard Andrew whisper

I was walking towards the fountain someone walked up to me.

"Hey." They said softly

"What do you want?" I said a bit harshly

"Okay just trying to see if your alright."

"I am fine can I please be alone." I said I was not in the right space. I was a bit too confused and to make it worst I tried to talk to my dad without him knowing it's me and he completely blow his top.

"No you are not." They said

"Why do you care really." I said

"Because I really do care about you and I know you are definitely not ok." They said

"I am just so angry." I said

"Why?" They said

"Lauretta it was a kiss that just confused me even more." I said sitting on the bench next to the fountain

"Do you like him." Lauretta asked me

"Yes... No... I actually don't know." I said

She came close to me and hugged me tight.

"I can help you figure it out." She said

"Do you want to know the funny thing." I said,she nodded her head
"That was the best kiss ever,it was just arrrgggg." I said laughing we laughed together

"See there is an upside." She said until she saw my shamed face
"What's wrong."

"I might have had a naughty dream last night ." I said shyly

"Ohhhhhhhhh. " She made noises

"What." I said

"Girl you so nasty." She said hitting my arm.

"It was so visual,you know I swear my dad heard me from his room." I said and we looked at each other and burst laughing.

"I hope not." She said as the ball rang
"I geuss we have to go to class."

"Yeah." I said

"You need to apologise to Nelly she was only trying to help out." Lauretta said as we got into school and walked down the hallway

"I know I was wrong ." I said
"I do see her in Math second period I will apologies then."

"Cool my class is here bye see you at lunch." She said as she entered her Computers and Technology class. I headed towards Business class.

Unfortunately it's the same class I have Jason with I am going to enjoy having my partner around.

I walked into class and took my seat next to Jason's desk

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