Chapter 17

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Kyira's POV

"Hey guys can we please go to the room." I said to the girls after school.

The room was a place at the back of the library it was never used it had everything but something's were broken. We had asked the school principal if we could clean it up and get our stuff to fill it, we could hang out here if we wanted. We each brought things from home that weren't broken but old, couch's, TV , mini fridge. We cleaned and we go there to chill.

"Sure what's wrong?" Layla asked me.

"I just have a few problems I want to talk about." She said.

"Yes we can go." Lauretta said.

"Thanks." I said as I walked to my next class.

I walked in and saw Bryce I walked and sat next to him.

"Hey" we said at the same time

"What's wrong?" He asked me.

"Nothing a little girl talk can solve I am fine." I said to make sure he does not worry.

Bryce and I have been together since grade 10 and we live each other. We kind of clicked because we are two people who understand each other and our likes and dislikes.

I carried on my day and I have been really down but after I get my anger out I will be fine. I just can't handle the pressure. I am already labeled as perfect but in some peoples eyes I am just some show off in mine I feel like to much weight is on my shoulders.

The day ended and I went to the room to fined all the girls there except Nelly but we will probably phone her. We let our anger and aggression out in this room we even have a punching bag that we got from one off the guys.

"Hey ladies." I said as I sat on the bean bad chair.

"Hey why don't you start to talk about what's bothering you." Tamara said. She has always been mother of our advice she always knows what to say she even does it when she is crying.

"Yes you seemed hurt." Layla said. She is always the type of person who wants you to look at the good side.

"yeah let's call Nelly first." I said and Lauretta called her and put her on speaker after informing her about the situation.

"So I had another argument with my mom and I feel like they seem to get worse. She kept telling me that my relationship with Bryce would never last because he is Muslim." I told them, my mother never respected my choice when it came to dating Bryce although she went along with it and even became close to his parents.

"The thing is you need to ask yourself are you willing to sacrifice the relationship with your parents to be with Bryce?" Tamara asked me, am I ?

"I feel like I am I have always seemed for approval from my parents that sometimes I forget what makes me happy." I said trying to understand

"And you need to remember that they do love you they are just trying to give you the things they never had." Nelly said

"Just like knowledge and opportunity." Lauretta said reasoning with me

"Yes but I feel like sometimes they don't care what makes me happy and if they do love me." I said starting to cry

"It's perfectly fine to question whether your parents love you or not but you got to remember they are old school they believe in finding a guy when you are educated and happy." Tamara said as she came to hug me

"I even questioned whether i should stay with Bryce." I said as a whisper

" it's ok it will happen from time to time for you to question your relationship but keep to your heart and don't let negative comments hurt your heart." Layla said wiping my tears pouring out of me

I felt rage that just needed to be let go I stood up and just started to kick and punch the bag till I could no more and I was calm.

"You feel better?" Nelly asked me they all looked at me

'Yes" I said smiling goodbye doubt, hatred and anger.

"Yassss girls talk gone well. " Lauretta said jumping and turning

"I got to go I think I also got a stomach bug." She said and cut the phone before we answered

"Who wants to eat ice cream?" Layla said getting a tub of chocolate and vanilla swirl ice cream

My girls will always be there for me no matter what


Thanks guys for reading my stories I am sorry for any past and present mistakes

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Byeeeeeeeeeee little brown girl out

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