Chapter 30

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Tamara's POV

As we sit at the dinner table Jason's mom brings out some Pasta Alfredo and some seasoned potatoes with steak at the side, I keep wondering if Jason was going to kiss me or was he getting a better view of my boobs in my blouse.

"Thank you for staying for dinner." Jason's mom said snapping me out of my thoughts.

"No thank you so much for inviting me,and welcoming me into you lovely home and meeting your family." I said politely noticing Jason staring at me intensely

"You have such great manners." She said smiling at me

"'Thank you." I said feeling my face heat up

"Unfortunately Jason's dad is stuck at work so he could not make it." She with a straight line smile
"I hope you like the food." She said coyly

"It looks so good." I said starting at how the pasta is so creamy and smells like heaven in a plate. The steak perfectly seasoned with the smell of BBQ spices and herbs.

"It tastes good to." Jade says from beside me.

"You want to say grace jade." Her mom says and jade nods vigorously. We all bow our heads for her to begin prayers

"Our Heavenly Father we thank you for the food that was made and bless those who made it Amen." She prayers, it's better than me when I was young.

"Amen." We all said in unison before we all lifted our hands and Jason's mom served food and passed the bowls of food down.

"So Tamara do you go to church?" Jason's mom asked

"Yes I am a Seventh day Adventist, I go to church on Saturday." I say, I have always been proud to tell people about my religion and I also have an interested in learning more religions around this world we live in.

"Y'all are christians but have some different beliefs." She said and I nodded
" do you have a boyfriend because you are a very beautiful young lady." She asked

"No I do not have one." I said looking down at my food

"I will be your boyfriend."

I looked up not registered whose voice that was. I mumbled an excuse me.

"I will be your boyfriend." Jade said with a face full of pasta. I smiled at her then laughter erupted the room.

"Baby you can only be a girlfriend, to a boy." Her mom said trying to subside her giggles at how cute jade is being

"And not any time soon." Jason said for the first time at dinner, we all giggled even little jade laughing so cutely

We ate supper with Jason's mom asking me some questions even to Jason's dismay and protest. The food was amazing and I offered to wash dishes only for her to decline,to tell me the reason why they bought a dish washer in the first place. She told us to go upstairs to finish our tasks.

"And keep y'alls clothes on I am not trying to see naked body's in my house." She said from downstairs

We reached the room and sat on the bed we looked at each other, and stayed silent.

"You have a great family." I said trying to break the ice

"Were you going to kiss me before dinner." Jason's blurts out

"No you were." I said through my shock

"Oh really." He said in disbelief

"Lets face it we were both leaning in for that kiss." I said with a huff oddly I kinda want him to make it up to me and kiss me.

"Yeah." He said underneath his breath
"I actually do want to kiss you." He said mumbling the last part

"Then kiss me." I said shocked at how bold about this

He looked at me with a pinch of lust in his eyes as well as admiration. He pulled me towards him claiming my lips to his own, him putting one hand around my waist and the other behind my neck. As I cup his face letting them coil in the hairs behind his head I taste the supper we had just devoured. It felt nothing like the high school musical movies made it seem, like an innocent kiss it was more sexual. I felt the burn of desire as he bit my lower lip gaining entrance to my mouth.

He lifted me up putting me on his lap as I am straddling him he cupped a handful off my ass, as we fought our tongues dancing. What felt like we were frozen in time. He bit my tongue making me yelp at the pain till he started sucking onto it. His lips trailed down my neck before pulling away earning him a whimper of disapproval. A smirk emerges on his face.

"Best first kiss ever." I managed to say out off breath

"That was your first kiss." He asked as I nodded
"I am glad it was the best." He said chuckling


Hey guys thanks for reading please


I do try hard to post and all so guys please just a boost of confidence for me a those things 😅

Thanks guys love y'all lots 💞💞🌹❤️💋❤️

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