Chapter 45

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Jason's POV

Its been days since I have spoken to Tamara, I think she is mad at me because of our argument.

I told her she could not hang around Dillon and she went off, about how I was not one to tell her what to do.

I drove by house and parked by her drive way, I knocked on the door and her dad opened the door.

"What do you want." He said with a raspy voice he looked messed up

"Sorry to bother you sir but I was just looking for Tamara. "

"She is not here she did not come home nights ago." He said

"Is she missing. " I said as I started ventilating,  I did not want to assume the worst but the Scorpions have been up my ass. They couldn't have taken her.

"I dont know, ok and these useless cop dont do shit."

All I saw was red but I did not want to raise suspicion.

"I am so sorry."

"What you sorry for, you do it." He said, it reminded me of what Tamara said a while ago.

"Did you ask to check any footage around your area?" I asked curious

"I did but that stupid security would not budge."

"I do send my regards I will ask all our friends about it and spread the word." I said as I back away

"Whatever kid." He said as he shut the door

I went up to the security booth and saw the man sitting and playing Smash hit on his phone. I grabbed his shirt and shoved his ugly ass on the wall.

"A girl went missing, and I want all the footage."

"Look man your not the first to ask and leave before I call the cops" he said as he pushed me back

I took out my gun and pistol whipped his punk ass.

"Motherfucker that girl is my wife and if you dont give me that footage I will shove a bullet so far up your ass its going to reach your brain. "

"I cant give it to yoy okay, they said my family would pay the price, you can look at whats left there but they took most of it."

I took all the footage from the past week and walked out, I looked around and I could feel eyes. I got into my car and went home.


"Boy why you shouting in my damn house." My mother screaming from across the room

"Its important I think she was taken."

"What are you talking about?" My dad said as he walked over to me.

"The scorpions, Tamara is missing and I know it has something to do with Dillons shady ass."

"Language. " my mom says

"Why do you think that?" My dad said as he looked down

My mother came over and hgged me to calm me down she wiped my tears which I did not even know were there.

"Here." I said as I handed him the disk

He put in the DVR and fast forwarded we looked through the entire week. Until I saw Dillon at her gate.

"Hold up"

"What is it." My dad response

"Thats Dillon not sure why he is there I told him to stay away." I said


As we looked at the footage of him looking around then Tamara came into veiw.

"There, put the volume up." My mom said

"Hey what are you doing here." Tamara said

"I wanted to talk to you about something. "

She looked a bit nervous. Did something happen first.


"Can we go in." He said looking around.

"No I think my dad is home." She said as she placed my hand in my bag and took my pocket knife.

"Cool, you know I care about you and I would never hurt you with out reason." He said as he came near me and put one hand on my waist and the other on my face.

He better put his hands back were they came from.

"The fuck whats wrong with you, who say shit like that. Nigga I dont know you like that, and I am gonna need you to back the fuck up." She said getting angry

"You need to listen to me." He said as he grabbed my face and planted his crusty lips on hers. 

she pushed him back and punched him in the gut .

You go girl.

"What is wrong with you."  She screaming

"I am so sorry" he said

A man came up behind her and stuck a sharp needle

"No" I said

"Sweetie what did I say about going out in the heat yall faint." The man said as a couple drove past them. Smiling and waving

Just as she closed her eyes she was  thrown in a car.

"She caused way too much trouble, she better be worth alot. " a deep voice said

We saw the guy walk into the security booth and pull a gun to the securities head. Then the screen went dark.

Tamara's POV

As I woke up from my dase a man walked up to me and punched me in the gut.

"Wake your fat ass up you been out way too long." The deep voice said

I looked down and I was dizzy, and unclothed. What have i gotten myself in.


Hey guys how are the amazing people who read my work.
I have not been getting a lot of comments and it's bringing me down please share the love I want to hear what you think guys. Plwwwwwweeeeeeeesssssss

This chapter is dedicated to someone who is extremely fantastic

Thank you so much your comments made me write an extra chapter.

I am so sorry guys I wanted her to survive.

Keep the love and the support I feel y'all .


Love you all ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋 kiss kiss

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