Chapter 14

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Tamara's POV

"Hello What! .......I am so happy for you.....he better treat you right.......okay don't do what I would do........see you at Jason's house." I said on the phone with Lauretta, that girl is so happy she sound high.

I cut the phone and went back to the dance floor, I was looking around for Dillon we were having such an amazing time together.


"You can dance very nicely, princess." He said very seductively

"Why thank you, should I call you daddy." I said trying to make it a dirty joke by sounding flirty.

"Its much nicer to hear you scream it." He said making me thank god for my dark ass.

I was so shocked by his words I did not hear my phone ring, he wrapped my arms in a snake dance move and slowly slide hes hand down my stomach to my pockets grabbing my phone handing it to my.

"Thank you, I will be back." I said he smiled And let go of me.

"Sure, be back soon princesback He winked at me as he let me go

"You are such a flirt." I said laughing as I picked up my phone to hear screaming.

...End of Flashback..

I was walking back in the crowd , people were grinding and dancing there was a hell of a lot of sweat.

I bumped into someone as I turned around I saw the person I was looking for, but he seemed occupied with another girl grinding on him. She is reply pretty till she turned around sheesh.. Talk about a face only a mother could love, don't get me wrong she was not the prettiest. I noticed that Dillon was taken back and tried to pull back when she pulled him closer.

"I found you, honey." I said super happy to make him notice me

He looked at me and gave me the help me face.

"Bitch he is taken so go get another hunk." She said with some spit. I think some hot in my mouth.

"Hey don't talk to my wife like that tramp." He said , haha wife I am humbled to be his fake help wife.

"Yes doll move along before I put a dent in your already damaged face." I said with a preppy tone to make her think I am crazy.

"Crazy as how." She said as she moved along. Me and Dillon started laughing.

"Thank you wife." He said very posh

"No problem husband." I said as we were about to start dancing, Nelly came up to us.

"Wife... Husband.... Never mind I asked the DJ to play our song." She said excited I knew she wanted to get down.

Then all of a sudden some guy grabs a hold of Nelly and she smiles like a kid in a candy store.
He looks good to damn.

"You want to get down." I said and she nodded, that's when August Alsina Grindin'. We started dancing and we did a little routine we had done a long time ago.

We looked good dancing and it felt great. We started to attract a crowd then all my girls come together and started dancing.
It was funny, to be doing this with them.

Jason's POV

This club is the bomb there was nun stop drinks, hot chicks and some good music when I saw a crowd form a circle I pushed to get to the middle and saw Nelly and the girls dancing they honestly looked like waddling ducks.

I was with this girl Bree all night she was hot there was only one problem she was super drunk but cute. She could stand straight and I can't lie I am just as drunk I feel weird I have not drunk this much since freshman year.

"You want to g.. Smoke. a ......blunt."  Bree said pushing up against

"Yeah." I said then burped.

We walked out the club and she took out her stuff and started rolling it was some sexy shit.
I feel even if she is drunk she still has control. She lit it up and took the first huff and handed it to me.

"Damn you can roll." I asked curious where she learned.

"Yeah I used to work in a trap." She said

"But you white! " I said a bit rude.

"And you are to, my ex was the leader he liked white meat." She said.

After we were high we could not walk straight or talk  right we just laughed at each other. We got back in the club and I said goodbye to the girl she walked to a black guy and he carried her out I was too brain dead to go and help her.

"Dude let's go I have been looking for you." I saw Bryce pulling me out the club to our club.

"Hey man where was he." Damien asked looking considered

"He got high, saw him walking back from the back alley." Bryce informed the guys.

"With out mmeeeeeeee." Jack said from the back seat drunk.

I was sat at the back seat and I was still laughing at how jack looked for no reason.

"Shut up man." Dillon said irritation was shown.

"You need pussy, mBye Tamara's." I said laughing.
He looked so embarrassed the guys laughed.

I felt the chair comfort me and I soon fell in a deep sleep


Thank you for reading it was so late in the week I am really sorry

Please comment guys please I need it for writing motivation

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