Chapter 29

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Jason's POV

"I am sorry." We said in unison
I must admit I did not know that she went through something like that, I am still wondering what really happened to her mom. I feel like such an ass for all the times I said things about her and her parents.

"Ladies first." I said earning a snort. A few seconds of silence then we both burst into laughter

"I am sorry I was rude all this time, I never meant to it's just when people assume the worst I give them what they asked for." She said looking me in the eye

"I guess I did ask for it." I said with a tight lip smile.

"Sure did, and I am sorry for what happened to you."she said

"Don't apologize for something you weren't there to prevent." I said remembering how I disliked when people said sorry for what happened, to others I would snap but I seem oddly at peace with it.

"You next."she said looking down still wiping away the tears I caused

"I really am sorry it's just when I first met you I just thought you would be some rude snob." I said biting my tongue realizing what I just said.

"Thanks." She said

"Sorry..... If you don't mind me asking what happen to your mom?" I asked coy trying not to pry

"It was a robbery we had just came from the store and some guy grabbed me and pulled me away from my mo....." she let out a shaky breath I held her hand and rubbed the back

"Go on." I said softly

"He put a knife to my throat and asked for everything we had. My mom gave him everything we had but he said it was not enough, my mom pleaded for him to take her instead but he did not budge. She reached out to take me but a second guy who was hidden came out and shot her twice, all the-blood was all over me, the guys made a ran for it while a little girl was holding her mom to her chest crying and pleading her to wake up." She said my heart was filled with heartache and rage, how could anyone have no heart or soul to do that to someone

" I am so sorry." I said

"Don't apologize for something you weren't there to prevent."She said mocking me

"Alright I see what you did." I said and she chuckled

"Can you give me a hug?" She asked shy

"Sure we can be hug buddies." I said hugging her

She put her face in the crook of my neck, I did the same I could smell the perfume she used it mixed amazingly with her hair sent. I was comfortable seconds turned into minutes just holding her. She felt perfect just with my arms around her thick and curvy figure while hers were putting me in a head lock around my neck.We pulled away slowly  and silently I looked into her eyes not even bothered by how close we were. I feel like this is the moment I kiss and grope her. The door flew open and me slipping of the edge of my bed.

"Oops ohh well, what would you guys like for supper and Tamara are you staying for supper?"My mom asked with me glaring at her while getting up

"Really mom."I said

"Yes, y'all up here trying to get it on instead of working. How much have you done?" She asked eyeing me with her stone cold ocean blue eyes.

"Nothing at all." I mumbled under my breath

"Speak up boy." She said raising her voice.

"Nothing." I said

"I thought so, now what you want to eat." She said more of a command, when she does that it usually means she has cooked already but just asking.

"Ribs and chips." I said hoping that it could be possible

"Too bad we having spaghetti and meatballs, Tamara darling are you staying." She said the first part mean then became kind when she directed the comment to Tamara

"Yes mama."She said since when did she start to call my mom mama

"Ok love, why can't you hang around girls like her and not hoochies." My mom said walking out my room

"Aren't I hanging out with her now." I said smartly but immediately regretted it

"Boy!" My mom said coming back into my room

"Sorry sorry sorry." I shouted as she started smacking me, hearing Tamara laughing.

"You better." She said shutting my door

"Stop laughing." I said

"Sorry your Ass got schooled." She said

"Let's get to work" I said

We worked on the project but we continued to look at each other I still remember how I wanted to kiss her.We finished for the day and would continue tomorrow.

"We can possibly finish next week just do your research." She said

"Ok, lets go eat." I said , we left my room to have a meal

Hey guys thanks for reading please


I do try hard to post and all so guys please just a boost of confidence for me a those things 😅

Thanks guys love y'all lots 💞💞🌹❤️💋❤️

Love : The devil's playground Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat