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I step onto the cold lino flooring, into the brightly lit kitchen, as the many windows let in the warm morning light. Stepping out of the door frame, I create a small clash as the door closes.
Blossom "Silver! Oh geez you scared me, how long have you been there?", she asks catching her breathe.
Silver "don't worry not long", I calmly say as I gently make me way over to where she stands, I pull up a seat near her as she continues to make a small cup of tea.
Blossom "so would you like a cup of tea?", she asks like a good host.
Silver "na, I'm not a big fan of tea, or coffee at that fact",
Blossom "Really, ok how about a glass of water?", she suggests.
Silver "yeah ok, thanks", I politely respond as I here the door close behind me. I quickly turn to see who it was. I see a zombie like Sunny, hair in a complete frazzle, waering pajamas saying 'Sleep Well!'. It almost seems like the complete opposite happened. She trudges over each foot heavier then the other, groaning as she steps closer.
Sunny "Need caffeine! Need caffeine!", she repeats as Blossom frantically tries to figure out what she wants.
Blossom "would coffee work?!", she says of the top of her mind.
Sunny "Caffeine! Need caffeine!", she grumbles, stepping closer to Blossom, who begins to freak out. So I decide to play along.
Silver "quickly before she eats our brains!", I add for humour.
Blossom "Aaaaahahahhhh", she squeels dashing around the kitchen, making the coffee as fast as she could, while Sunny sits beside me, looking half asleep, as I giggle at the scene.

Soon enough the coffee is made and presented to Sunny, who drinks like it was the last drink she was ever going to have. As I just recieved my glass of water Sunny had finished her coffee. We all sat around the table sipping what remains of our drinks, while the door opened but did not close.
Granny "What are you girls doing up so early?", she asks curious of our sudden attitude to life.
Blossom "it's only eight o'clock Granny, and plus I think I woke them up anyway", she blames herself.
Silver "Don't worry, I woke up ages ago", I oblige.
Granny "very well", she kindly dismisses, continueing to walk through the kitchen.
Blossom "oh I almost forgot, Granny I suppose you would like your morning tea", she asks, continuing her grans daily routine.
Granny "How could you almost forget!", she jokes pulling off a really stern tone. To which Blossom roles her eyes with a smirk,
Blossom "I'm so sorry Granny, Please forgive me", she pleads, getting up from her chair to quickly make a cup of tea for her deamnding grandmother.
Granny "Oh you will be sorry girl", she sternly states as she comes to sit at the head of the table, laughing. We all laugh off the morning, telling our own kind of jokes.

Once the small metal kettle begins to whistle, a fresh cup of tea is placed on the table directly infront of Blossoms Gran, delivered by small gentle hands. By the time we were all fully awoken, Blossoms grandmother began to prepare breakfast for the three of us, which creates a fresh baked smell of flour in the air, slowly wafting around the entire house, venturing out the series of open windows. We all show up to the table dressed in yesterdays atire, ready for the journeying day ahead.
Blossom "mmm, that smells amazing, what's for breakfast?", she queries taking a long sniff of the air surrounding us.
Granny "pancakes", she announces.
Blossom "Pancakes!, you rarely make those for us", Blossom raises her tone, complaining about the lack of pancakes.
Granny "if you can see dear, this is a special occasion", she notifys Blossom as we stand beside her, ready to take a seat. "Sunny dear, how are your legs?", she asks the simple question most of us forgot to ask, however for most of the morning she has been walking around completely fine.
Sunny "ah, they don't seem to hurt as much when I walk on them, but the bruises and cuts are a different story", she painlessly says as she unpeals the tightly wrapped bandage on one leg, pealing off the papery tape, reavealing such a sight to allow us to wittness the after affect that the mossy algea had on her legs.

There were many different shades of purple, brown and blue on the one leg, all split up by deep, ichy cuts. The other must be no different. The bandage had a creamy yellow tint with spots of red, which was where all the cuts were. So Sunny was eager to replace both bandages before breakfast was served, or she would forget and others would be staring at her damaged legs below her shorts, wondering what on earth happened then the next minute your mobbed by questions. Soon enough we finish breakfast then head out the house to stretch our legs which Sunny wasn't too keen about but she came anyway, very slowly but she came. Blossom said that she wished to show us something, but didn't really tell us what, all she said was'I mentioned the place to you both last night', then that was it. I wonder where she wants to lead us? But again I hope its not too far or dangerous.

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