The Castle

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Hi again, in the last chapter I didn't mention that I hope to upload a new chapter every monday, but as christmas falls on a monday this year, I will upload the next chapter on sunday.
Hope you all enjoy!

I see the castle in the distance, boy it's amazing, infact the most graceful thing I have ever seen in my life. The castle was made with white bricks and the cone shaped roofs were plastered with sunset orange tiles, the castle is on an island, which is surrounded by families of aquatic life, it's almost directly on the border of the daylight kingdom, hense why we have to travel by train, because theres no other way in or out, unless you wanted to swim, or even travel by raft

Time begins to remind me that theres a festival waiting for me, as the train comes to a sudden holt and the train driver tells us that were at the castle of daylight, (well I guess the reminder was for those who were asleep the journey, as you could practicley see the castle for miles).

The doors open and others rush out to go to hotels and to sign in before others could, but we didn't need to as we have rooms in THE CASTLE!, we waited for everyone to leave, and slowly walked of the train, catching a glymps of the castle before night comes, as we know the castle lights up at night, espaicialy during the festival.

We continue to walk, and soon find our selves at the entrance to the castle, with a guard asking if we had our invitations, sunny hands over the slips to the smartly dressed guards, who let us in after giving us back the slips. Almost every part of the castle has been decorated by the dozens of staff members the queen has hired, all from different backgrounds

We walk through the halls all bight with sunlight and the atmosphere filled with joy, cheerful voices and music, I vould tell at this moment that my face is about to shatter with the excitement on my face, "sunny, no matter how many times I walk these palace floors I will still be excited by the thought that I'm here".

I can also see how excited sunny is, she thinks outloud "I wonder if we have the same rooms as last year, or are we put in different rooms, maybe even in the..." she gets inturrupted by my excitement "SAME ROOM..... we could buddies!"

I read the invite to see the room numbers at the very bottom of the page, which were "rooms 42 and 43"
"hey silver there right here", the doors were unlocked with keys in the inside side of the doors, as a member of staff carried our luggage up for us and put the keys there for safe keepings.
I look around the enormous room, finding my luggage by the side of my bed, I open my suit case and pull out my even gown, it's a pink dress with white trimmings, and to go with the dress a nice silver haert neckalace.

I put on the dress, and look in the mirror to see how it looks, though when I looked I saw somthing in the corner of my eye, I turn round to see it but it's not there, I turn back round to the mirror to see a reflection of a lever in the corner, I turn round again, to my surprise its not there.

All of a sudden, sunny comes thrashing in through my doors "HIIIIOOOOOOOO" to my surprise she managed to do that in a dress to, she wore a pink and orange dress along with a sunset necklace, "Hey, you look great!"
"you too, where did you get your necklace from?... I've never seen you wear it before"
"Thats because I haven't, It was in with my luggage....kinda strange but its nice"
"Are you sure it's not the queens and one of her staff stole it and is framing you"
"No....... because it says here, for my dearest sunny" she shows me by turning over the necklace.
"Wow, maybe it's a gift from the queen herself."
"I actualy feel as if I know this necklace from somewhere, know when you have a out of reality experiance, I just feel it."
"I get where your coming from,........ but who would have given you this"
"Like you said, the queen"
"Anyway, let's go EXPLORE, no butts, we are EXPLORING FIRST"

I follow her out, thinking why we are doing this, we have been here before many times and even then we explored,"hey,........ sunny, we have explored the castle before, last year, and I dont think anything has changed"
"Yes but thats where your wrong, see at the end of this corridor, theres a blank wall"
"Thats always been there"
"Yes but, go up close to the wall, put your ear on the wall"
"I,.....what, is that posdible,'s a solid brick wall,"
"I know right, it sounds"
"A whisper ....a..a..n echo"
"What,...whats being said?"
"I cant make out what"
"It's not just that there are other things I've noticed, like different bricks to others"

For a moment I felt like saying what I found out in my room earlier but, somthing told me not to, and to let her figure it out herself, as we continued to explore the castle wing, we noticed that the blank wall continued all the way up and down that side of the castle, as if there is somthing missing from the castle or there is somthing hiding outside that wall.

Time presses on and we continue searching finding nothing else to prove sunnys point, I begin to hear loud music, finally realising that the ball had began, we rush ober to the ball room, finding two guards standing outside the wall, I am beginning to think that somthing is going on, as there is an increase of guards around, espaicialy in the east wing, which is where we are staying, as we have only investigated that wing.

Ohhhh mystery.
What do you think will happen in the next chapter.
Art work was created by
Also shout out to my good friend RDGall, she has created an awsome max x reader fanfic, which I am sure you will like.

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