Through Blossom's Eyes

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DISCLAIMER: This chapter contains graphic imagery, only of which your mind will create. If u are uncomfortable with the signs of death then I'm terribly sorry, you may have to skip most of this chapter.
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Granny "You girls should be very careful, Almighty knows what could happen to you two, even three", she presses on to us, as she finished off taking care of Sunny's wounds, after disenfecting the cuts, washing her leg the bandaging it up using masking tape to secure the bandage. Sunny and I rest on a chair oppasite each other while Blossom helps her Gran,
Silver "we're sorry", I say feeling completely guilty about what happened down at the bank, if I hadn't brought up the subject things would be different and Sunny wouldn't be in pain.
Granny "Don't worry child, there are worst things in life to worry about", she changes from her motherly stern tone to a much softer tone,
Silver "I'm sorry, I guess I just feel guilty for what happened", I softly mention as the words slip out of my mouth as I take a long sigh,
Granny "What did you do?", she questions sympathetically,
Silver "I brought up the subject of the letter, then everything suddenly changed", I quickly break off as Blossom was still in the room washing the floor of her grandmother's kitchen from Sunny's blood,
Granny "right", she whispers quietly under Blossom's hearing, "what letter, Do you mean the one that came for Blossom this morning, it had very flowy handwriting on the front", she says a litter louder so Blossom could hear,
Silver "yes, that's the one, have you read it by any chance", I fumble with my words as I perk up out from guilt,
Granny "noo, I listen to what Blossom wishes to tell me and that's about it, but now that you mention the letter in quite a scenario, I would like to hear what it says", she presses her vision on to Blossom who awkwardly turns her head once she feels the tension building in the room, she hesitates for a minute or two until she gets the hint, and brings herself to her feet.
Granny "Blossom I would like to see that letter please", she instructs Blossom. However Blossom tries to hold on to not having to for as long as she knows her gran will take,
Blossom "yes granny", she faintly mutters before disappearing out the front door making her way into her own house.

Granny turns her mood around continueing her treatment on Sunny,
Granny "How are they now dear?",
Sunny "Oh they feel much better, thank you ", she quickly chatters, clearly a little tipsy from the painkiller, well reliever or diluter, they never really kill the pain, it still comes back. The very one Blossom's Grandmother gave her just to ease the pain a little, it was only a Paracetamol and already she's tipsy.
Granny "I don't mean to be a berdon girls but I have noticed that you wish to leave tonight", she apoligises as she rests her body on the counter, leaning with her feet pulled out slightly, holding a fresh brew in her shrinking mits.
Silver "yes we do, but I-I don't know anymore", I end, glancing over to Sunny's oddly confused face with sympathy for her current state,
Sunny "What do You mean You Dont know?", she announces with her vocal cords slipping ranging her tone as well,
Silver "Sunny, you can't walk, not properly at least without the help of Blossom and I, and we have to walk for a few miles until we reach the station, then walk another few when we get home. Your not in the right state to be doing that Sunny", I worringly lay the truth on the very forgetful and tipsy Sunny, who is realising the truth but pushing past it in a matter of seconds,
Sunny "Meh, I'll be Fine", she quickly dismisses herself slouching into the wooden chair she sat on, her butt sliding forwards to make room for her arched back.
Granny "may I offer, you two could stay here for the night if u wish", she offers with thought and hope,
Silver "thank you but, my mum is expecting me home tonight if i don't get back she'll be worried sick, but i need to take in account that Sunny's injured. I'm perplexed", I scramble around, my mind is racing. I dont want to bother Blossom's poor grandmother, or be a berdon. However Sunny needs to rest.
Granny "you can always use my landline if you wish. It is your decision my dear", she generously offers feeling sympathy for both of us, sipping her warm brew.
Silver "thank you, thank you so much, I will execpt your offer as well as Sunny", I slowly glance over to Sunny who seems distracted by a little spider crawling up the wall, "I'll speak to her later", I whisper over to Blossom's grandmother and wink as I begin to stand up, soon to sit back down when Blossom comes tittering in throught the kitchen door, holding the white envolope, torn on the top by what looks like a knife. She held it very tightly as she gently closed the door through the rushing cold air, filling every warm gap in the house.

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