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I think I should increase chapter size to over 2000words, as it is easier to write more in a chapter, and condense the chapters, what do you think?

General shadow "My Lord. freedom of speech?", he says proudly
??? "Permitted, what is it you have to say!", ??? Says impatiently, voice, very solum
General shadow "beta is down"
??? "What!"
General shadow "and the kingdom has sunlight, we must retreat, we no longer have the upper hand!" Says sparsley
??? "I Say WHEN WE MUST RETREAT, THe War has barley Began", ??? says gaining back his power,
General shadow "Sorry my'Lord, then what do we do?!",
??? "Attack daylight, regain moonlight, CAPTURE THOSE WHO DESTROYED BETA, YOUR THE GENERAL, THINK OF SOMETHING", it says starting out sarcastically.
General shadow "yes My'Lord", he says quickly,
??? "Now leave me!", he says solumingly, the general walks oit the room, then being greated by his right hand, High Scout.
High Scout "I heard what happened, sir", says patiently,
General "Did I give you permission to speak!", he says barking,
High Scout "Sir, what are we going to do, we have soldiers, Scouts, vanishing, under the sunlight!", ignoring him,
General "I know", he barks,
High Scout "Then what do you suppose we do, my scouts are dying!", says impatiently,
General "Just SHUT UP!", Barking louder, "Every time night strikes, we attack, weakening them, when they are not at guard. but must retreat at sunrise, to reduce loss in soldiers, and we must find and destroy those who killed beta, we start tonight"
High Scout "yes Sir, I'll get my best scouts onto it".
Walking along the ancient cream bridge, feeling joyess and sadness, knowing that we are going to see them again, but still feeling departed. We get halfway, when a fork in the bridge occurs, but does not affect us, as we are coming out of the fork into the single path, we look back to see where the other path went, and it lead all the way to the daylight castle, which now has a giant whole in the left side of the castle, which was the ball room, but now crumbling after the mass shadow attack.

Me "it's sad to see the castle falling apart, its always been... perfect", I say looking back on the decrippled castle,
Sunny "reality likes to smack you in the face, when you least expect it", she says too, upset at the sight. We turn back around to the single path, which is wider then the other two paths, and continue our walk home, over the colourful sea below us, every step takes us closer to home.

The bridge ends, continueing on to a brick road, followed by a train station, in need of modernisation. There was a map on a board, still intact, showing all the destinations the train could visit, sadly no one was here to operate the train, and we couldn't go back as the train in the daylight kingdom is busted after the attack.
Sunny "this place is new, well old", she says correcting her mistake
Blossom "yeah, but how did we not see it before?"
Me "well, Queen Lunala did hide the bridge, so when she hid the bridge, she hid the station too, they are connected", I say brain storming,
Blossom "true, true",
Sunny "I wonder if the tracks are intact", she wonders as a horse comes running towards us, from the bridge,
??? "Huu..haa...huu...haaa, oh they will be", hes says full of confidence,
Sunny "how are you so certain?"
??? "Well, lets say, Lunala has some powerfull magic",
Me "wait, Queen Lunala sent you, Why?"
??? "She thought you might need some help with the train, and as you saved us, from almost slavery, I happily stepped up", he says with out a bother,
Sunny "how much experiance conducting trains do you have?", she asks the needed question,
??? "Enough to say that this train needs coal, otherwise were not going to be able to go anywhere", stating that we need fuel,
Sunny "yes, but how long is that exactly"
??? "Five years, and I'm safe to say that I have not crashed.."
Me "yet", I butt in, which is soon followed by sunny wacking my arm (I swaer it left a bruise), and me screeching, cus I'm in pain.
Sunny "Why Are You So dark!",she yells in my ear, "are you Trying To Jinx Us",
Me "No, he was when he said 'I have not crashed', I had to say it, anything can happen you know", we argue, when blossom breaks out in song,
Blossom "Anything can happen, anything can happen"🎵, but sung proudly,
Sunny "shut up!", she yells, breaking off blossoms wonderful solo,
Blossom "okay", she backs down, not wanting to get into a fight,
Me "I'm not saying anything bad is going to happen, just things happen when you least expect it",
Sunny "Thats Saying Something Bad Is Going To Happen, And we have had a good example of that", she still yells,
Me "Fine, wheres wood",
Sunny "huh, books are made out of wood, well paper", I rummage into the little satchel, and pull out the book touching the pages, while saying, "touch wood".
Sunny "what's that going to do",
Me "it's reasurance", I state putting the well crafted book back into the satchel, "and by the way, your punches hurt",
Sunny "yeah, they do", she says clearly.

DayLight MoonLight-season 1 "shadows"Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu