The Mysterious Part Of The Forest

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High Scout "bring her in", he comands to the soldier that guards his office, who brings the morning girl, eyes red from tears. The soldier closes the door behind her,
High Scout "please take a seat", he says to the girl who stood once brave, now sorrowful. She slowly sits into the seat infront of his neatly presented desk, which is where he sat at,
High Scout "I have noticed that Conners death has affected you significantly since you arrived back",
Caroline "I'm fine", she says irrated,
High Scout "you're clearly not fine, that is why I am relieving you of duty", he says sturnly for her benifit,
Caroline "y-you can't do this, THIS IS WHO I'M MEANT TO BE", shocked, Caroline quickly stands up thrusting the chair that she sat on, backwards,
High Scout "We All Know That This Was Not How It Was Meant To Be, You Are Clearly Not In The Right State To Be A Scout", they argue,
Caroline "It's My Duty",
High Scout "what use is a duty if you can't fulfil it, once your well enough you may come back, but until then find some place to relieve you of your emotions", he instructs, miserably,
Caroline "I will leave, but never come back. So when you next see me, watch out", and with that Caroline storms out, slaming the door behind her, making a scene.

Early next morning, Sunny and Blossom pack up the equiptment we used for the false alarm, while I go back into the forest outside Sunny's house, searching for a reason to why that person was there, chanting enchantments, and the reason to why he knows who I am and who I was. Holding onto a glimmer of hope that he would be there so I could ask him my burning questions. But when I arrived at the site, it was empty, he hadn't returned, but I guess who would in the space of a few hours, me.

I begin to search the area, starting by where he stood and sat. I scim the surface of the ground, looking for anything, soon to find silver dust, that also changed it's hue to a pinky colour in direct sunlight, there wasn't a lot, but enough for me to notice, I look around to see if there was anymore, to my luck there was, there were little amounts dotted along the path it created, leading into the larger depths of the forest. I thought for a second to not follow the path of glittery light, as it looked to obvious and strange, but to be honest I've seen stranger things, so why not?. If this path leads me sudden doom, then it was fate, and it was meant to happen. As I was thinking aloud 'universe if you won't to get rid of me, nows your chance', while following the path to unsertantity.

Looking around the ancient forest during the daylight, changes your perspective on how you see the forest, because now it is full of life, bright and colorful with all the colours of nature. It was truely a sight, a sight that only winter could bring, but it ended pretty quickly, as the path continued yet the forest did not I found a sign post with one direction saying 'Roseworth', to the left and 'Carling' to the right, the goes on in the direction of Carling, but I turn back not wanting to hike, but something makes me wonder that Shouzar had something to do with the glitter trail, and that he must have gone down to Carling, but why?

I arrive back to where I started my search for clues in the forest, however, I ended up sitting where he sat, in deep thought for about several hours, not knowing that Blossom was behind me ready to pounce.
Silver "Ahhh, Blossom", I say thumping her once,
Blossom "hah, ow", she says in pain from my thump,
Silver "Did Sunny tell you to do that", I say questioning her actions,
Blossom "I swore to never tell", she says proudly,
Silver "but saying that means you agreed to my statement",
Blossom "oh, please don't tell her, please", she begs,
Silver "oh, if I told her, that wouldn't be milking it would it", I say smartly,
Blossom "no, what do you want me to do", she says slightly worried,
Silver "well, to be honest I can't think of anything right now, so I'll save it for later",
Blossom "okay, do you need any help?", she asks,
Silver "not really, this place doesn't look like it has a lot to offer, apart from a nice spot to relax and be at peace", I say while looking around,
Blossom "yeah, it is nice, so what should we do now",
Silver "well, we could have some fun, as you are leaving tomorrow",
Blossom "it's sad I'm going to have to leave you guys again, but I need to make sure my family are safe, and protected", she says while looking downwards,
Silver "I understand, family comes first, heck I'd be surprised if you weren't worried", I say symposizing with her,
Blossom "yeah, true", I get up and pull Blossom up as well. We walk back to Sunny's cottage, thinking and wondering whag to do with the remaining day left.

I open up the door a d shout "HIAA", to alert her that we are back,
Sunny "One Minuet", she shouts as she comes rushing down he stairs to greet us once more, passing Blossom on the stairs as she makes her way down,
Sunny "so did you find anything?", she questions as soon as she sees us,
Silver "not really, but there was a glitter trail that lead all the way to Carling",
Sunny "really?, that place is packed, anyone could have come from there and dropped glitter, I mean you could even have met a crazy old geezer, maybe even drunk", she says knowing types that might come here during the night,
Silver "uh, I'm pretty sure I didn't meet a crazy old geezer drunk last night. Shouzar seemed like he was up to something and not fooling around, but I want to know what", I say in pickle,
Sunny "I'm sure you will find out, but for now let's have some fun", she says as if she has been up to something,
Silver "you've been up to something haven't you?", I interrogate Sunny "maybe",
Silver "what have you been doing", I say scanning the room around me for anything unusual,
Sunny "oh, nothing much", she says in a quirky way, I take a second to face palm, before I hear, metal clanging and a 'Aaaa', followed by a 'oh', and at that point I realise something.
Silver "let me get this straight, you sent Blossom to scare me so you could build up your machine, with Out her knowing, then to later use it on her", I say disappointed,
Sunny "I mean you didn't leave out any detail", she confirms my statement,
Silver "pie robot, or bucket filled with water over the door?", I ask,
Sunny "both", I look at her shaking my head,
Silver "that does not change the fact that you did it with out me", I say jokingly annoyed,
Sunny "I'm sorry I couldn't help myself, Duty Called", she strikes a brave pose, soon to hear another 'Aaaa' from Blossom, as she reached for the bathroom door, getting soaked at the same time by the bucket on top.

Sunny and I run up the stairs to see a soaking wet Blossom, as she says,
Blossom "why am I always getting scared", she pants, catching and regaining the brethe she lost within seconds,
Sunny "it's because your easy to scare", she says taking what she saw, and gradualy goes back down the stairs, giggling,
Blossom "Am I", she says confused,
Silver "yeah, you are, but don't worry about it. Anyway do need any help?", I say with a snigger,
Blossom "not really, except can you pass me the towel behind you", she says soaking wet, while I pass the towel that was behind me on the banister, to Blossom who clearly needs it.

I walk down the stairs to see Sunny pacing in the kitchen, thinking,
Silver "hey",
Sunny "oh, hi, there isn't anything going on today is there?", she stops her pacing to notice that I'm there,
Silver "not that I have heard of, Wait, isn't the new leisure center opening today", I realise,
Sunny "yeah it is, but what if Blossom didn't bring a swimming costume",
Silver "good point, if she doesn't we can always practise swimming fully clothed",
Sunny "WhAt No, I don't want my clothes getting wet", she objects,
Silver "it's a good skill to have, espacially when our future is uncertain, fighting anything that attacks, just give it a try", I say with reason,
Sunny "ok, but what happens if the 'Pool' staff, don't want us jumping in fully clothed",
Silver "Then we go to the lake",
Sunny "I am not jumping into that lake in winter, it's practically ice cold", she says full of spite,
Silver "well, if it comes to that, then I will lend her one of mine",
Sunny "ok", I turn round to surprisingly see Blossom, she must have krept down quietly, so we wouldn't hear.
Silver "ALMighty, geez you scared me, did you manage to hear what we were discussing", I ask,
Blossom "umm, some bits, what were you talkimg about anyway?",
Silver "Swimming, and speaking of that did you happen to bring a swimming costume with you?",
Blossom"no I'm so terribly sorry", she apologises,
Silver "Don't worry you can always borrow one of mine",
Blossom "thank you but I can't, you see I can't swim",
Sunny "wait, wouldn't living next to Lake Sunset make you want to swim", she says confused,
Blossom "you would think so, but I'm afraid of water, I'm scared that I will drown, it sounds stupid doesn't it", she doubts herself,
Silver "Actually I can see where your coming from, some areas of water make me worried that I'm going to drown, but I hold up my head and tred the water as calmly as possible, because you only sink when your worried, and float when your relaxed", I spread my knowledge,
Blossom "I didn't know that, but I will still get worried becuase I don't know how to swim, and a fear isn't easy to get rid of",
Silver "that is why we are taking you to the leisure center now, and get you some lessons",
Blossom "your not being serious", she doubts,
Sunny "she is, and to be honest I agree with her method, you won't over come your fear sitting and thinking about it, you need to take action", she strengthens my point,
Blossom "ok, I guess I have no choice", she gives in,
Sunny "no you don't, and I feel like grabbing some lunch on the way back, we're going to be starving",
Silver "I'll be back, I'll just grab two costumes and a few towels, bye", I say quickly rushing out the door, running back to my house but slowing down before I got to the door exhausted yet determined.
Artwork was created by
Thanks for reading. 😊

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