A Way Out

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"COME ON, KEEP MOVING AND DON'T LOOK BACK", by now I can't help but to continuously run, until we loose them,
"what", I slow down with out realising, with my mind lost in thought, "SILVER SPEED UP, WHAT ARE YOU DOING"
"huh, OHH!", I get my bodies speed back to it's previous velocity, and all of a sudden, "WATCH OUT",
"AHHHHHH",a shadow pops out right in front of me, scarring me half to death, "TURN BACK", we make a turn but are stopped by growing numbers of shadows, we have no where to run, "SILVER WHAT WE DO NOW",
"AHHH", blossom screams at the top of her voice as a shadow attacks, "I DON'T KNOW",
"AHHH, THINK OF SOMETHING PLEASE", I have never felt so preasured in my entire life, but there is an option, "WE COULD FIGHT",
"WOOOOHOOOOO", Sunny screams while running towards the threat then I realise, that she can't fight, but to my amazement, she fought, pretty well "IT'S MY TURN", a shadow flies towards me, fist ready to punch, and with a swift dodge and a swing of my knights sword, the shadow disappears, blossom is bucking left, right and centre at the oncoming shadows, two more approach me both identical, homing in on my left and right side, all it takes is a jump amd the two smash heads, only a few left, I run up and target my sword at the remaining three, but only hit two, the third comes up behind me, and disappears, turns out sunny could not resist herself.

All shadows now out of sight, means we can continue our exit from the castle, moments later we arrive at the doors that lead to the town infront of the castle, still dark, and a chance that we can be attacked again, with out knowing.

But this time things were different, there was no one to be seen, the only light came from our lamp, that sunny had hijacked from the castle corridor, "where do you think they all went"
"I don't know, but I have a feeling that we are going to have to find them"
"Well, if so, then where would we start, we have practically just ran around the entire castle"
"Ok, but maybe there not in the castle, but here in the town",
"This place is completely lifeless, do you seriously believe that there all hiding here"
"Yes, if not then we check the castle"
"I'm not going back in there again"
"Well we might have to"
"Fine then let's just start searching"

At first we didn't know exactly where to start, so we began searching the nearest building, which happened to be a hotel, it wasn't too big, but it certainly looked grand, like the rest of the buildings here.

There was nothing to be found, it was completely empty, no one was here, a few moments had passed and we had searched most of the buildings before noticing that there were sewage tunnels underneath the town, one of the man holes were left open, my first thoughts were that, someone has been here but forgot to close the hole behind them, or something.

We enter the sewage tunnel via a ladder that was very rusty, surprisingly it did not smell that badly, for a town full of people. The tunnel went on for a few miles, with multiple turns and splits along the way, in the centre of each path was a ditch ment for water to be transported to the end of the tunnel and dumped in the sea surrounding this island,
"Hey, silver, for a sewage tunnel it seems rather clean"
"Yeah, it does"
"I swear this place has been abandoned, for centeries"
"How come, the hole castle was packed just a few hours ago"
"I know, it's odd, it also doesn't look like anyone has been or lived here because there isn't a water supply running through these tunnels", she was right, the ditch in the center of the tunnel was empty and dry, and most likely for a long time, most sewers had remains of skunky water in the ditch even if it had been closed down.

"If, what your saying is right, then where are we"
"That's simple were in the castle sewers"
"Ok then, when are we"
"Yeah, what if we traveled into the future which is now the present, then present is the past and the now present was the future"
"Wait what, slow down"
"WE TRAVELED THROUGH TIME", I screach with momentome from my prevoius statement, "shhhhhh, they will find us"
"We might have time traveled, but I don't think so, I didn't notice anything that looked time travelly"

???"She's right you know"
Me "Don't move, we will fight", everyone braces for a possible attack,
??? "I can tell, looks like you have a well rehersed, let's say stance , very impressive, might I say"
Me "thank you, I guess, who are you and what's your name"
??? "Me"
Me "yes you"
??? "Why, I'm flattered you asked, and by the way, you technically asked the same question, twice"
Me "who cares, just tell who you are and what you are doing here"
??? "For starters I care, second, the names Le Lhouette, you can call that, or any other titles you may have haerd, third I live here, always have and always will, so if you don't mind, please leave"
Sunny "it's always been your home"
Lhouette "yes, it has"
Sunny "then are you able to tell us where we are"
Lhouette "If I do, will you finally leave"
Me "maybe, if you give us any additional information"
Lhouette "like"
Me "like, what you and your friends are doing here in daylight, destroying and killing innocent people"
Lhouette "right let me get something straight, you are no longer in your sheltered home known as 'daylight', this is my home, and I do not have ANY FRIENDS, I WORK ALONE"
Me "gees ok"
Sunny "sorry, then where are we"
Lhouette "you are in what is left of the once great Moonlight, there's nothing much to see now"
Sunny "ohh I'm so sorry, what did moonlight used to look like"
Lhouette "ohh, it was amazing, it had one of the most amazing nights sky full of constalations and stars, clear of all this horrid black cloud that now roams these skies, it was a happy place, full of joy and wonder, untill he came and ruined everything, everyone's hopes, everyone's lives too, and brought it with him"
Blossom "you mean the shadows"
Lhouette "yes I do"
Sunny "who's 'him'"
Lhouette "people call him the 'shadow demon lord', I do not know his name, but I do know he is not a nice man"
Blossom "have you met him"
Lhouette "do you seriously think that I would walk right up to death in the face, just to have a casual confersation, no, he would kill me, agian"
All of us "again"
Lhouette "yes again, though he didn't kill me, they did, his minions"
Me "so they can kill, but wait how are you here"
Lhouette, walks into the light of the lantern, and instantly we know that she too is a shadow.

Me "they used the navionite, you poor soul"
Lhouette "so that's what they call it, is there a cure"
Me "no, I don't think so"
Sunny "why do you live down here"
Lhouette "well it's not safe up there, and a bunch of others and I were escaping through these tunnels, untill we were cought and punished, it is known as the the only way out undetected, it leads straight from one of the castle rooms, to here, then out"


New character ohhh
Again, I do not know the name of the artist, but it is amazing, and all credit goes to whom ever created it.

DayLight MoonLight-season 1 "shadows"Where stories live. Discover now