The Boat

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Me "HE, How Are We Going To Get A Boat From Him!"
Lhouette "the same way we would get one from anyone else,..STEAL", she says motivatingly while pointing towards the sky, which is blocked by the tunnel ceiling,
Sunny "didn't you say he was dangerous and evil", we all say our words with worry as we all know deep down that to get the boat we would have to go back in the castle, and almost die trying,
Lhouette "no, I said he was death, and it shouldn't be that hard"
Sunny "He's FRICKEN DEATH", pointing out the obvious,
Blossom "espaicialy if he has Those Things with him", lhouette just stares at blossom with the 'really' face as she too is a shadow,
"Sorry lhouette, no offense"
Lhouette "anyway, we will need a plan to get in, as they are all on guard ever since you lot came here", she states the obvious
Blossom "they are, I thought they were always like this" she wonders to herself
Me "I almost forgot to mention that we are not leaving with out finding everyone else"
Lhouette "who else is here, because I have not seen another living soul pass through here, there is no one else, you are the only ones here with me", she says in a loud tone,
Me "what,..why... Why us then?", I say in a confused tone,
Lhouette "maybe you are important to him"
Sunny and me "huh" then blossom follows after delayed,
Lhouette "you must be important, or why are you here"
Me "true, we might just have to find out", I say concerned
Blossom "I don't like being special", she moans
Sunny "you're not going too", she says starting a whisper,
Me "well we are going to need that boat, so why not?", I say in a whisper tone,
Sunny "it could be dangerous, he's evil"
Me "well I do have you lot, so I'll be fine"
Sunny "and vlis!", she says louder than a whisper, and everyone heard, whilst I face palm,
Blossom "who is vlis?", she interrigates,
Me " name for my battle spirit", I say weary of her reply,
Blossom "oh okay", blossom says in a surprisingly cheerful mood,
Lhouette "seriously, lets just get moving", we can tell she is fed up now,
Me "yes that would be good"
Sunny "so where are we going to go", she wonders
Lhouette "through the tunnel into the castle, then find the boat and leave"
Me "basically we are going to use room 42"
Sunny "wait, wait a minuet, isn't room 42 your room to stay in?", she asks with a worried face, I hesitate to say "yes, yes it is"
Sunny "And you knew about it having a passage way out!", she interrigates me further
Me "Yes, no, kinda, I mean I only really thought that it was a passage when lhouette mentioned a tunnel out through one of the castle dorms"
Sunny "if you had only told me in the beginning, we would not be here", she says disappointed in me
Me "hey, you did say I could keep one secret and so could you, so I did"
Sunny "yes I did say that, but it is important to stretch all of your resources before you admit defeat, just next time tell us about a way out", still disappointed,
Me "okay"

We carry on walking through the twisty, confusing tunnels, with lhouette at the front guiding us, before we come across a door, an iron door, with several latches on it to keep it shut, I bet for all the rushing water that would come through here. It does not take long for lhouette's shadow magic to break the hundred year old seal on the latches, and in no time the door is open, rushing a stale smell through our nostrils, behind the door was a brown, biege bricked passage with the accasional staircase, when the tunnel got too steep, lhouette takes the first step and continues to lead the way, leaving the sewage tunnels behind her.

Lhouette "this is the passage in and out of the castle", she declares before one of us question,
Sunny "does it only go up hill?"
Lhouette "yes, but there are flat parts, so don't worry", she says in a mid sarcastic tone, I look over to sunny, who looks very releaved, when we start the climb
Blossom "I'm guessing that it goes on for a mile or two"
Lhouette "kinda, I never thought about it, we just legged it, but I would say about a seven eighths of a mile"
Blossom "not too far then", I look over to sunny who is thinking what I'm thinking, 'that is still far, far enough for me'.

A few moments passed, and there has not been a flat for ages, only stairs,
Lhouette "so your familiar with long distances"
Blossom "yup, but I don't think they are", looking at us, climbing the torturous stairs, looking like cats after too much exercise, and soon we see the light (metaphorically speaking), the tunnels had finaly stopped
Me "Its over, its finaly over", I hug sunny in relief, who is as relieved as I am, but in a room of which I am unfamiliar with, it had the same coloured bricks as the passage but had more space and benches, with a border along the bottom of each wall, painted a lighter beige.

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