The Stone Of Life

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Hours after the debate had finished, and Blossom was escorted home, there was only one thing ,one task, yet to be completed, placing the Stone in the centre of Springlily, we sit on a bench underneath the old oak tree, overlooking the stone path below us, where the debate took place. We sit peacefully together, the three of us, watching Springlily take it's original form, people relaxing knowing that the threat has been taken care of, and many more yet to come with the same magic.

It's late afternoon and the sun is going to set soon, but we sit staring into the sky and the people around us, Sunny is wearing her own coat that Lunala gave to Blossom to desguise her slightly,
Silver "it's been a long day", I say fatigued, leaning my back against the bench back behind me,
Sunny "it sure has hasn't it", she says, doing the same thing that I did, finally relaxing,
Lunala "it's not over yet, remember I still have to activate the stone", she says slowly,
Sunny "oh yeah that, why haven't we done it already", she perks up,
Lunala "because...", she briefly mutters,
Silver "because what?, do you actually have it?, or is it a lie?", I sit up to address Lunala appropriately,
Lunala "I do, it's not a lie", she quickly states,
Silver "then why are we Just sitting here, we should be activating it or finish doing so",
Lunala "I know", she shuns herself,
Silver "then why aren't we?", I keep asking, urging for a response to my question,
Lunala "IT'S BECAUSE I Have A Horrible Feeling something bad will happen, not necessarily to the people around us", she cuts off, lowering her tone,
Silver "but to Blossom", I say filling in her gap, quieting my voice, I didn't stop to think what consequences Blossom would endure,
Lunala "now that I think about it, I was being quite selfish, choosing my kingdom over my friend, how could I", she hides her face by turning it away from us,
Sunny "it was a tough decision, Almighty knows what pressure you were in", she sits a little closer to Lunala,
Silver "really it wasn't your decision at all, it was a dabate in the hands of Springlily", I state, not knowing Lunala's plan,
Sunny "Um Silver, Lunala asked your mum to help her persuade the crowd from any costly situations", she says quietly to me, aware that there are others around us,
Silver "what, at least you didn't bribe her", I look over to Lunala whoes head is still facing the other direction,
Sunny "it's still against the book, which means it was her decision", she continues,
Silver "so is anything my mum said true", I sharpen my tone,
Sunny "most of it, I think", she looks away,
Silver "so will this stone stop all threats coming, or was it just Propaganda", I say ashamed,
Lunala "that was correct, but only for magic users of life magic like Blossom, unfortunatly for her she is the only one of her magic, maening that it only works on her", she says slowly and under her breathe,
Silver "well there must be a reason why, why you chose your kingdom over Blossom", I search for answers as I am mislead, Sunny turns to Lunala, who slowly notices that we are looking at her, she looks up, painfully nods,
Lunala "it is my duty to protect Moonlight, no matter the cause,...", she says with forgiveness, and continues thinking she was talking to herself, raising her head to see the purple sky, and yellow fluffy clouds above, "she gave her throne entrusting me with that wish, I will not fail her, if I do I will be punished", her atmosphere changes and feels demented, however she quickly snaps out of it realising her mistake, "did I", she looks back and forth between us quickly, "I'm so sorry, let's just go, it's getting dark", she quickly trails off, we follow drastically, curious to where she is going.

Lunala paces ahead, Sunny and I leg it to catch up with her,
Sunny "Where are you going?", she skips ahead, stopping infront of Lunala, Lunala stops to avoid crashing into her, she looks up giving a direct answer,
Lunala "I'm going to the church", she continues walking at her pace, walking around Sunny, we both attempt again to catch up, except this time we don't stop infront of her,
Silver "Why the church?", I question woth confusion,
Lunala "The church has a tower that provides the ideal location for the stone to work at it's best", it really amazes me how this womens emotions can change so quickly,
Silver "So you are going to place the stone?"
Lunala "I have no choice, it must be done", we turn the next corner and the church appears. It has a classic church look, with the decorated walls, to the stained glass windows and the old wooden door with the black rings as door handles, but had a tower on It's left side, which had a cone roof, it looks as if a clock was originaly placed on each side of the tower, which were now gone, leaving empty spaces on each side.

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