The Ball😨

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Hi guys, Sadly this chapter does not have anything to do with christmas, so instead I will do a christmas themed quiz, well its only one question.

What was santas original clothing colour?

Enjoy the next chapter!

We walk up to the guards, who happen to have the doors wide open, for others to walk in and out, though before we walked in, the right guard askes " Hault!, your name?"
"I'm Silver Grace and this is Sunny Shimmer, we're living here in the palace"
" I am so sorry miss, Walk right on in"

As we walk through the grand doors to the ballroom, which looks like it was built a long time ago. The music is quite loud, you couldn't even talk to the person next to you with out shouting, but put that aside, the ballroom looks great, it follows the same decoration as the rest of the castle, but even more grand.

We begin to push through the dancing crowd, I look around to see if I could catvh a glympse of the Queen but she wasn't there, which is very strange as she always attends the evening dance, even if she was ill (which rarely happens).

Sunny finds a spot in the middle of the dance floor which has enough space to move around in, the music changes constantly without a break, as everyone changes dance moves. We wish to dance all night but sunny insists we take a decent break to try out the buffet at the venue, which as we got there was mainly cakes, biscuits, sweets, but not much of what was there left.

Behind the buffet table is a large kitchen, which I suppose catered only for events in the ballroom, as it had more surfaces than a regular catering kitchen, that then makes me wonder whether the palace used to have a ball frequently, but know there's only one or two balls every year.
"Hey..... silver, where do you think the queen is,.... I mean she never ever misses a single festival ball,......"
"..... yeah I get what you mean, so are you saying somthing is happening."
"I don't know, its just odd that she's not here, shes the reason that mostly evryone is here despite the food and the party"
"If there is something going on, I think it would be best, no I know it would be best for us to always and only tell the truth"
"I don't know sunny I don't think I can do that"
"LIES TAIR PEOPLE APART, SILVER PLEASE, do this me, for us, to keep our friendship alive" she says in a very tearful voice, as she begins to cry,
"I mean,(sigh).. ok, but there might not be anything going on, maybe we are just getting our selves worried over nothing"
"But we don't know that"
"But as you said its best we do tell the truth from now on", sunny huggs me tight, still crying but maybe with tears of joy I'm not quite sure, this evening has been rather emotional,
"Thank you, silver, thank you"
"What do friends do, anyway, lets enjoy the rest of the night"

She loosens up and takes a step back, nods, wiping away the remaining tears on her face, "I agree, the night is still young, lets have some fun"
"That reminds me, the sunset count down hasn't happened"
"That's because the queen isn't here to start the count down, It's different with out her"
"but look on the bright side of life, there's still a party going on"
"Lets forgive and forget", we say together.

We return to the dance floor, with a new attitude. One of the guards approched us, "Miss Grace and Miss Shimmer, as you were invited by the queen to the ball, you have a private room to cool down and to eat what the buffet had to offer, but without out anyone else"
"So your saying, we have a spread to ourselves,... Silver this is great"
"I know right, where is this room?"
"Why, its the room over there" he points to a well lit up reserved room at the side of the buffet table, we thank him, and run off to enjoy first class!.

Time passes, and the sky only grows darker but the lights seem to grow lighter, my body akes and my stomach hurts from all the food we ate, we sit for a moment watching others pass by, the night was wonderful, but not as we expected it to turn out to be.

In the distance I hear someone say that this is the last song, the last song is always the best, so I stand up and practicaly beg sunny to dance to the last song with me, she gets up and we dance our way to the dance floor.

The music is getting louder, it feels like the others are closing in on me, my eyes go black, I can't see anything, but for a second I see a bright figure among the darkness, but I could tell that what I was seeing was not located in the ballroom at all, more like a dark room almost falling apart, the vision stops suddenly, as reality comes back to me though all I see is a blurr, though what I saw was,...................unexplainable.

Don't forget to answer my question,
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Merry Christmas 2017 everyone!
Upload time will continue on mondays bye!

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