17. I've never liked hide and seek.

Start from the beginning

Adam shot out of his chair and ran out of the classroom.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Kris was wandering around the school blindly looking for anything that looked like it could lead up to the school roof. She had been opening and closing janitor’s closets as she ventured down the hallway getting further and further away from Madame Belles voice that was blatantly calling her name. Frowning Kris just kept onwards. She looked at her school map and it did not help at all. Like the school wanted their students playing around on the rooftops. 

Someone was looming up in the hallway his or her back to Kris. A small stream of smoke was cascading from their mouth and Kris realised they were smoking. It could only be one of two people so she took a chance. 

“Deacon?” the figure tensed and his broad shoulders rolled gently before his posture seemed to relax slightly. She watched him run a hand threw his dark black hair before he turned to face her. His steal grey eyes pierced her light hazel ones. His face held no emotion as if he were looking at a total stranger. 

“Kristin,” he said coolly and took a long drag from his cigarette. Kris flinched as she said her full name. She was suddenly begging fro him to call her Kitty again but she knew after she had pushed him away like the plague that it was not happening any time soon. She was silent for am moment.

“Get me on the roof,” she whispered. There was no point in beating around the bush of being polite since it was already obvious that Deacon did not intend to do either. He cocked an eyebrow at her and a small smile attempted to fight its way onto his face but he held it back. 

“You finally figured out where she was, clever girl,” he dryly stated before turning on his heal and walking away from her. He did not care if she got down on her knees and begged him, no; in fact, he refused to help her. His mind started to picture Kris on her knees in front of him and he almost faltered in his step. 

“Deacon how do I get on the roof?” Kris asked agitated that he was being vague towards her. Her feet started to move and soon found herself running after him. “Come on Deacon just tell where the entrance is!” she was beside him now. Deacon did not glance her way instead; he inhaled the smoke and exhaled it through his nose. 

“Why?” he asked suddenly stopping, Kris continued three more steps before realising the infuriating boy wasn’t beside her anymore and turned to face him. 

“Because…,” Kris stuttered trying to think of a good reason for him to help her. “Because you’re my friend.” Deacon looked like someone had just slapped him in the face. 

“Because I’m your friend?!” he shouted at her in disbelief. “Aren’t you the one that tried to kill herself in front of me after trying to kill me by knocking me off my motorbike!? Aren’t you the one who yelled at me and pushed me away after I asked about those gashes on your arms!?” Deacon was getting closer and closer towards Kris after each word that he spat out towards her. “Aren’t you the one that wouldn’t answer any of my calls and refused to look me in the fucking eye after I was the one who saved your bloody life!?” 

“I’m… I didn’t mean to…,” Kris was tumbling over her words as she started walking backwards away from Deacon. “Listen…” 

“No you listen Kris,” Deacon growled out at her. “I am not your play thing. I do not have to be there for you and I sure as hell do not have to tell you how to get onto the roof! I didn’t have to fight Craig for you and I didn’t have to talk to that bitch Annabelle for vandalizing your locker and bruising your face!” 

“You talked to Annabelle?” Kris repeated dumbly just realising what he had said. Deacon just glared at her, refusing to reply. “Why? You were just telling me that you did not have to do any of that stuff for me…so why did you talk to Annabelle. Why did you even fight Craig for me and tell people to leave me alone?” 

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