13. Family love is annoying and repetitive, like bad wallpaper

Start from the beginning

Finally not being able to take the tension that was increasing Kris stood up and mimicked there actions. This caused the twins to narrow their eyes at her in suspicion. None of Cas’s guests, when she used to have any, had ever reacted to them like this before. They didn’t know how to react. Kris narrowed her eyes at the in return. 

“Ok, I like her,” Martin said with a nod of his head. 

“What!? Oh nuh-uh,” Sienna glared at her brother. “We don’t know if we can trust her tiny white ass.” Kris self consciously looked at her ass, she thought it was kind of nice. Many of the lads back home had commented on her but and one of her way too ambitious friends, Steve, constantly slapped it in public to prove how close they were. She would thank him by slapping him in the face. 

“Ain’t you charming,” Kris smirked.

“She has the personality of a wet towel, if you must know,” Martin sighed dramatically. “I’ve been trying to get mother to send her to a therapist for months now.” He clutched his chest and placed the back of his hand against his forehead. “Oh woe my disdainful life.” 

Sienna clipped  him up the back side of his head, “Shut up you pussy!” 

“I am not a pussy!” Martin defended. “Why is it even pussy anyway? What has a ladies vagina got to do with being a scaredy cat?” 

“Pussy originated from the old word pusillanimous. The dictionary form of pusillanimous meaning showing a lack of courage or determination; aka timid,” Kris filled in so they could continue there argument. 

“Hmm, pusillanimous, I like that. From now on pusillanimous is now my new favourite word!” Martin declared with a grin. “ Pusillanimous, pusillanimous, pusillanimous, pusillanimous!” 

Sienna looked at Kris, “Oh hayell, I don’t wanna even know how your skinny white ass knows that!” 

Kris shrugged, “Similar debate back home. Heavy stuff.” 

“Back home?” Martin mused. He finally said something other than pusillanimous.

“Encase you hadn’t noticed I’m not exactly from around here,” Kris sat back down on the sofa realising the argument with Sienna and Martin was not going to continue. Then squeaked when the twins jumped on her and parked themselves on each one of her legs so she couldn’t move. 

“Where are you from?” Martin asked. 

“I lived in Wales. And no that’s not in Australia, it’s the tiny thing right next to England. Its like a zit… It doesn’t know when to bugger off. But it’s still much better then England.” 

“Ain’t heard of it,” Sienna shrugged. Kris didn’t bother to enlighten her with an answer, she would end up ranting about ranting about how the Welsh are better than the English. 

“What about rugby?” Kris asked. They shook their heads in unison. “Damn, I’m going to have to give you guys a full on welsh education. Rugby is a sort by the way.” 

“Oh hayell nah!” I ain’t sweating out my weave!” Sienna cried out as if someone had told her they were going to teach her how to chop off her right hand. Kris could hear her mumbling under breathe. It sounded like, ‘Pat the weave. Just pat it. Don’t worry weave’. 

“You haven’t got a flipping weave, Si,” Martin rolled his eyes. 

“Well I should have!” Sienna sounded distressed. “This white girl hair is so flat.” Kris couldn’t believe this talk. She couldn’t believe that the tiny humans sitting on her legs were eight either. The twins looked like they were about to ask Kris more question but was saved by the Cas shaped bell. 

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