12. Your opinion is irrelevant, cause I don't like you

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“You’re on loud speaker dad,” Kris smiled. 

“Oh she’s absolutely lovely!” he broke into a cheerful voice. “You can have her over for tea anytime you'd like and she can brush my hair too. Enjoy your tea at her place. Love you kiddo. Bye!” then he hung up and both girls burst out laughing. 

Kris passed the phone back to her friend, “Kamsahabnida Cas.”

Time flew by as Kris walked on and on with Cas riding on her back. The girl had started explaining how she wished her mum would just ship her off to Korea already since apparently she threatened to do it all the time. Kris admired Cas for being different. Throughout the journey every now and then Cas would shout out a random instruction directing Kris where to go. 

“Plan on walking any time soon?” Kris mused. 

“Hellah nah, this is free labour right here,” Cas grinned. 








“Pervert in Korean.”

Kris rolled her eyes. "I should have known. Can I ask why you know what pervert is in Korean?” 

“No you can't... Um Kris... That fight was intense...,” Cas suddenly murmured causing Kris to falter in her steps. She nodded in agreement and thought back to earlier when they had all been in the hallway. She thought of Deacons bloody hands and Craig’s bloody face. She couldn’t understand it all. 

Craig had been leaning against the lockers with a cigarette hanging loosely from his lips and his eyes half shut. It was as if the cigarette was his life’s essence. He took a deep drag and blew the smoke out from in between his lips. He was the only person in school crazy to smoke actually inside the school building. Well him and Deacon of course. But Deacon had been attempting to quit since a month ago. 

The sound of heavy feet slapping against the tiles of the school floor caused Craig to open his eyes and he smirked at what he saw. The bitch was thrown over his best friends shoulder giving him a perfect view of that ass of hers. But what shocked him most was the fact that Cassandra was skipping along beside them. 

Cassandra practically stumbled over her feet when she saw Craig. The two of them had been trying there very best to avoid each other. They had managed not to set eyes on one another for almost a year now. She smiled harshly; of course, the moment she would make an actual friend she would have to dig up past time issues. 

“Well looky, looky what we have here,” Craig laughed as he threw his cigarette to the floor and stepped on it. He sauntered towards the group of people who should honestly have nothing to do with each other. Deacon tensed and then placed Kris down on the floor behind him. 

“Craig we need to talk,” Deacon replied in a hushed, sinister voice.

“Yeah alright but first what’s the deal with you and her? She your new fuck buddy or something?” Craig asked.

Deacons fist slammed into Craig’s face. The snap of his nose could be heard from the other end of the corridor. Kris and Cas jumped back just as the three boys Kris was previously with ran around the corner to see what was happening. 

“What the fuck was that for!?” Craig screamed at his supposed best friend. 

“What did you do to her?” Deacon growled out as he stalked towards his best friend. “Spit it out you pathetic bitch.” Deacon drew his arm back again to throw a punch but Craig beat him to it. The smack was loud and hard and caused Kris to grimace. 

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