Chapter 2

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Contrary to his usual seating arrangements, he decided it would be best to put as much distance away from you as possible. He broke his personal education rule, never sit in the back, but for the safety of your wellbeing and of your reputation, he's willing to break it for a complete stranger. Complete, nice, caring, beautiful stranger.

Namjoon gathers his things and goes to the back row in the middle, he sets his textbook down and his book bag and goes back to reading. There was still five minutes left before class officially started, so there was barely anyone in the classroom. Mr. Ban, and two other students were in the class, and then there was Namjoon.

Mr. Ban looks up from his book and he furrows his brow, "Mr. Kim Namjoon, you aren't sitting in the front this year?" Namjoon clears his throat as he looks at his favorite teacher.

"No, sir, not this year."

"You aren't going to blow off your senior year, are you?" Namjoon's eyes widen and he shakes his head.

"No, sir! Of course not! It's just... I feel as if it would be best if I sat back here this year. You know, to allow other students the opportunity to answer questions, if I'm in the back—and sir you tend to look for me every time there's a question—you'll see someone else in my usual spot, so you can call of them."

Mr. Ban taps a finger against his chin as he contemplates Namjoon's reasoning. With a nod of his head, Mr. Ban accepts Namjoon's plan and goes back to reading.

Namjoon slowly relaxes his tense shoulders and lets out a sigh in relief. He couldn't believe it worked, usually when he lies he's terrible at it.

Namjoon begins to grab his notebook and his pencils as the bell rings, signaling the beginning of class. He picks his head up at the right timing to see you walk in to the room, you look at him with solemn eyes as you find him in the back row. Namjoon lowers his gaze, his face flushing a bit pink.

'I'm sorry... but someone like you should never be seen with someone like me... we're too... different.' Namjoon thinks as he stares at his lap, he felt awful for having to avoid you, but he was doing it for your benefit. You were better off without him anyways.

"Alright, students! Settle down, settle! Since this is the first day, I'm going to let today be easy, please give me your name, where you're from, and something you like to enjoy doing!" Mr. Ban's cheery voice echoes in the small room, "Let's see... we'll start in the front on my left side, you there. Could you tell us who you are?"

"Don't see why not," a boy with slicked back raven hair smiled, his lips were pink and plush, a silver earring looped around his left ear, "Hello everyone, my name is Bhuwakul, please call me BamBam. Uh, I'm from Thailand, and my favorite hobby is listening to music."

"It's nice to meet you, next?"

Your eyes flash slightly and your face tints red, "O-Oh, um. Hello, my name is Y/N. I'm from (native country), and I suppose my favorite hobby is watching movies or reading." You finish speaking while nodding your head and Mr. Ban smiles warmly at you.

"Is this your first year being in Korea?"

"Yes, so I apologize if my pronunciation is off." You slightly dip your head, Namjoon's chest ached, this was your first year ever in Korea and you had to cross paths with someone as weak as him.

"Your Korean is actually very good, I'm impressed." Mr. Ban gave you a soft smile before he turns to another female student who replaced Namjoon's original seat, "You are?"


"It's a pleasure to meet you, Miss Rosé, may I ask where you're from?"

"I'd rather not say."

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