Chapter One-Don't Wanna Be Without You

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If One Direction were a family, we would be pretty original.  Liam would be the dad because he's very stern and likes to keep things in order.  He's always in charge.  Zayn would be the mum because he's nice and caring.  I think he likes to cook, too.  Niall would be the energetic little brother because he's quite cheeky and always happy.  Harry and I would be twins because we're best bro's and we get along the best.  We've had a special bond since we bunked during the X Factor, a famous singing competition TV show that all five of us were in.  That's how we ended up here.  In a five star hotel room in L.A., where we're recording our second album.

"Lou!  Lou, would you wake up already?" Harry yells and nudges me. "Liam, he won't get up," I hear him say and walk away.

"I'm not getting up!" I yell and roll onto my stomach.  I hate early mornings like this.  We get up early and go straight to the recording studio then spend the rest of the day there.  Don't get me wrong, I love singing with the boys and all but just not at five in the morning.

"Louis William Tomlinson!" yells Liam at the top of his lungs with pure rage.  I groan and roll over just to be reminded the hard way that I fell asleep on the corner of the bed.  My face slams against the brown carpet as I fall off my bed.  

"Get up right now!" he yells.

"Five more minutes," I mutter but it probably sounds more like fie moe mimus.

"Lou, what are you doing on the ground?" says Niall is his normal, cheeky Irish accent.  I groan again then look up and see that everyone is awake and dressed.

"What time is it?" I ask Liam who's standing above me.

"Five-thirty.  You were supposed to be up a half hour ago," he says in an angry tone.

"Oh shoot!" I yell and stumble to my feet.

"Get dressed, eat breakfast and shower," Liam says then stops and smells me.  "Shower first," I nod then run to the bathroom.  The shower in our hotel room is quiet nice.  It's warm and big.  The only problem is sharing it with four other boys.  Somewhere along the line, Simon thought it would be a good idea for all five of us to share one hotel room.  I love being with the boys but I also would love my own hotel room.  I pick up a shampoo bottle that has a piece of tape on it that reads "LOUIS".  Wow, our stylists really are picky.  After taking a shower, I get dressed in the clothes that have been set out for me then eat breakfast while my stylist, Chloe, does my hair.

"Someone got up a bit late," Chloe says as she blow dries my hair.

"I know," I call over the roaring of the blow drier.

"Liam was not happy with you," she explains and I nod.  Gosh, without Liam, we would be out of control.  As I look around the hotel room, I realize how Liam's clothes are all neatly put in drawers and everyone else's is still in their suitcases.  Most of our dirty clothes are thrown on top of our suitcases or on the floor but Liam's dirty clothes are in a bag next to his suitcase.  He even was the one who made the bed arrangements and slept on the floor since no one else would.  

"Okay.  I'm done.  Go catch up with the rest of the boys," Chloe says and pats my back.

"Thanks!  Bye, Chloe!" I call as I grab my phone and hotel key then run out the door.  When I get to the elevator, I press the button with a big five on it.  That's the floor where the recording studio is.  One of the things that makes this hotel five star is that it has four recording studios.  Lots of artists come here to get away from the fans and record.  I hear the elevator go ding and I look up.  The doors open and I rush out into a small hall with four doors.  I quietly open the second door to see the boys gathered around listening to Simon talk to them.  Trying to not be noticed, I step in behind Harry.  Simon stops what he's saying and looks at me with his arms crossed.

"Good morning!" I say with a smile.

"Where have you been?" Simon snarls.  Sometimes he needs to take a deep breathe and just chill.  If he did right now, then I wouldn't be in so much trouble.  I can tell he's tired and grumpy too.  If he wasn't he would just give me a glare and move on.

"I slept in a bit," I explain and Simon gives me an angry look.  In an attempt to dodge his deadly glare, I glance at the floor.

"A bit?" Simon says in shock and anger.  "Louis, you're forty-five minutes late!  You know what, nevermind.  Get in the booth.  We're recording Torn,"  We all step into the small booth with sound proof walls and five microphones.  We line up along the microphones then each put on our headphones. "Lou, Simon's pissed," Zayn says laughing at me.

"I know but I kinda deserved it.  I should've gotten up," I say and look up through the window to see Simon and three other people.  The three other people are all working on the sound board.  I hear the music start through my headphones and Liam begins with his solo. After a long day of recording, a short lunch break, more recording and dinner, I go up to my hotel room with Harry.  The others are still at the restaurant talking to Simon.  Zayn went back to our hotel room to get some sleep about an hour ago.  After having a long discussion with Simon, Harry and I decided to call it a day.  As we go up the elevator, I can't help but notice an upset look on Harry's face.  He's looking at the ground with a blank expression.

"Are you okay?" I ask and he looks up a bit then back down.  He nods but I can tell he's lying.  After a few seconds, I look over to him concerned.  "What is it?"

"Nothin'," he mutters and the elevator dings.  As we step out I hear Harry sniffle.  Is he sick?  He sure did spend a long time in the bathroom during dinner.

"Are you sure?" I ask as we walk down the hall to our hotel room where I put the hotel room key in the slot and push the heavy door open.  Harry steps in and I close the door behind him.  He gets changed and goes straight to bed.  After checking Twitter and getting changed, I lay down with him.  We both toss and turn for a while.  Today was such a great day in the studio.  We finished a couple songs and had a blast.  Even though we were tired and a tad bit grumpy, we still had fun.  I love spending time with the boys.  Like I said, we're like a family.  Sometimes I feel like Harry and I really are brothers though.  I'm glad we share a bed.  I hear Harry sniffle again.  Gosh, what's wrong with him?  I hope he's okay.  I feel the bed jiggle as he moves around.  Is he sick?  He didn't sound sick in the studio today.

"Hazza?" I say getting more and more worried by the second.

"What?" he mutters and sniffles again.  Oh, no.  He's sick.  I'll have to stay in the hotel and take care of him.  Poor guy.

"Are you feeling okay?" I ask and sit up.  He's laid out in bed with no shirt and plaid pajama pants on. "Why can't you just leave me alone and go to bed?" he snarls in a shaky voice.  Wait.  He's not sick.  He's crying.

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