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Shadow's POV
Metal Sonic stood a few feet away from me, ready to attack me at any moment. I stood in fighting position for when he would lung at me. In a quick move, Metal Sonic dashed to me. I dodged his attack and moved behind him while I kicked him hard in his metallic head. He stumbled a bit but turned his head to look at me. His glowing red eyes were just watching me. I lunged at him as he did the same. I wasn't going to let him win. I went to punch him but he caught my hand, preventing me from doing so. I growled at him and tried to punch him with my other hand which he caught too. I pushed him away from me with my foot and kicked while he was still vulnerable. When I wanted to hit him again, he grabbed my foot and threw me away. I growled as I stood back up. I'm not going to lose from this piece of crap. I chaos controlled behind him and gave him an elbow in his back. He bowed down a bit from the hit while I jumped and placed a foot on his back before pushing him onto the floor. See, that wasn't hard. He turned around before kicking me off him. I landed on the floor. That damn bastard. I growled as I stood and threw a chaos spear at him.

"Shadow! You aren't supposed to destroy him! It's just for training! Don't you know how long I worked to make him!" I heard Robotnik yell from the speakers that hung up in the room. I looked at one of the cameras and crossed my arms.

"Since I got your attention now, I want you to come to my office immediately." I heard him say before the speakers were turned off. I groaned and headed to the metal doors. I looked over my shoulder at Metal Sonic who was laying on the floor with a missing hand, well, more like a missing arm. I grinned and left the room. I walked through the base to Robotnik's office. The doors were already open so I just walked inside.

"Took you long enough. You could have just chaos control to here." The fat man said as he walked over to me with a glass in his hand. I rolled my eyes.

"What is it that you want doctor?" I asked as I crossed my arms.

"Drink this." He ordered. I groaned as I took the glass from him which was filled with a pink like liquid. I didn't care and drank it. It tasted horrible.

"No questions asked? You shouldn't  have trusted it." Ivo said as he walked back to his desk. I tilted my head. "You just drank a love potion." He said. If I could, I would have spit all of it out but I already swallowed it.

"A what?!" I yelled at him. Please tell me I didn't hear it right and he said lose potion or something. "What do you even need it for?! Why use it on me?!"

"It's an experiment to see who your weakness is, since you don't seem to have a weakness. So if you would ever turn your back to me I know who to use against you." Ivo explained. I growled at him, not being okay with this. "Now don't be like that, Shadow. I just made the first step in your love life, you should be thankful."

"I don't love anyone so this whole experiment is useless!" I growled. That was a lie. I'm capable of loving and caring, as I may have feelings for someone. "I'm done with this." I mumbled. He can not find out who I'm in love with. That would be bad. I went to make my leave.

"And before you go Shadow, I'm sending my SpyBots after you." Ivo called out after me.

"I hate you." I growled at him before chaos controlling back to the house I shared with Rouge. He can't find out that I have feelings for my rival.

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