Qᴜᴀʀᴀɴᴛᴀɴᴏᴠᴇ - ᴘᴀꜱᴛ

Mulai dari awal

"Sorry- He grinned, cheekily.

- I just wanted to make sure that you were going to follow me, you know since you are on the run. you may just run away from me too." He breathed out, his voice serious.

"Yes. I promise that I am going to follow you, Sir Elias." I replied sarcastically, my teeth grinding together in annoyance.

"You're being sarcastic Valentinia. How do I know that you are telling the truth? How do I know that I can trust you?" He questioned, sincerely.

"How can I trust you? I can't. How can you trust me? You can't. So, you are just going to have to wing it and believe me... Look, I don't want to go with you, but I am going to. I am curious as to what you have to say, I'll give you one chance. So, I promise that I am going to be right behind you, if not a few cars behind if wherever the place is we are going roads are busy." I said, my tone truthful.

"Okay, I will believe you." He answered firmly, but his eyes told a different story.

They held a dash of mystery along with a whirlpool of emotions, all merging into an abyss of dubiousness. He didn't trust me, I respect that. I wouldn't be the only one to think of him as an idiot if he chose to trust a stranger that he had just encountered.

"Well, I guess we should both be seated in our vehicles and be on our way before this day exists no longer." I suggested, tiredly.

"Yeah, you're right. Follow the Rover, that's my car." He directed, before turning on his heel and walking away.

"Well, it is the only car other than mine in the lot." I mumbled under my breath, sarcastically.

With that, I changed the gear into reverse and followed slowly behind Elia's vehicle at a medium pace.


He pulled up outside of a small, run-down Café. Quickly, pulling in behind him I took my time to observe the surrounding area. It was desolate, dull. Nothing impressive, however, I seemed to like it. It looked homely and conservative. One could even say isolated. There were a few neighbouring buildings, but other than that it was deserted.

A knock to the car window brought me out of my reverie, blinking I notice that Elia is stood before the driver's door with an impatient expression adorning his face. I hastily opened the glove compartment and gathered the money, before shoving it in my small bag.

Elia opened the car door before I had the chance to reach the handle and had a sheepish grin on his face. Blowing out a sigh of frustration, I stepped out of the car onto the concrete pathway. The cold, refreshing breeze whispered against my face, causing a slight shiver to travel throughout my being.

"Come on, it's this way." Elia voiced, slightly tipping his head to the right in a way to direct me. His eyes were lightly watering in response to the crisp air.

I followed in his footsteps until we came to a stop outside of the aged red door. He pushed the door open, causing the noise of a bell to ring throughout the whole vicinity. In-turn, causing every person in the diner to focus their attention on the intruders.

In response to their invading stares, I hid behind the hood of my coat not wanting them to possibly recognise me. Elia noticed this and hurriedly ushered me into a small, remote booth in the far corner of the diner. In-turn, assuring that nobody could invade on our future conversation.

Elia and I sat on separate sides of the booth so that we were facing one another. Gathering two menus into his hands, he placed one in front of me, before scanning his eyes over the other. I calmly picked up the one placed before me and browsed the list of beverages.

uoıʇıɹɐdsıᗡTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang