Chapter One

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Chapter One: Orders

   The musky smell of dirt and coffee fills Korosu's senses; a familiar feeling compared to the stiffness of her muscles. Blinking open her eyes, she stretches her muscles in a feline resemblance and smiles when her back cracks.

Throwing off the blankets, Korosu rolls her shoulders and adjusts the drawstrings to her boxers- don't want them falling off in front of everyone (it had happened before and she never planned on it accidentally happening again). Flinging dark hair into a loose ponytail, Korosu slides open the dark oak door and lazily walks down the hallway. It felt like home.

After three years of leaving Konoha, Korosu had begun to call this place home. Her last three birthdays had flew by quickly and she still has trouble remembering she's sixteen now.

"Moring, Korosu." A mixture of orange-red colored eyes smile in greeting.

Ah, Konan. "Morning, Konan-san." Korosu grins and hugs the blue haired woman.

After three years the blue haired woman had become a mother figure to her, comforting her when the nightmares became unbarable or when her heart cried for her lost friends.

"Hurry up, the boys are already eating." Konan pats Korosu's back and nudges her toward the kitchen.

When Korosu's back is turned to her, Konan bites her lip. The girl she's watched grow over the years had become a young woman—but Konan's afraid for what was going to happen in Korosu's future.

Leaving Konan in the hallway, Korosu walks into the kitchen and bumps into a musclier back, crumpling to the ground ungracefully. She lays there sprawled on the ground, her black hair slipping from its hold and tumbling about her face.

"Sorry, un." Blonde hair swings into view.

"Damn it, Deidara." She hisses, holding her throbbing head. He's built like a damn brick wall.

His blue eye, the other hidden by hair, brightens with laughter. "You're just so tiny, Korosu! I couldn't see you there."

Her nose wrinkles in disgust. "I am not tiny."

"You're just a shrimp." Hidan cackles, his magenta eyes closed as he laughs.

"Hidan, you dumbass!" Korosu snaps, her facade slipping and revealing the current of pent up anger. They really pushed her nerves sometimes.

Itachi raises an eyebrow, his eyes watching her like a teacher would an apprentice. She got the hidden message: stay calm. Itachi had been training her over the past three years to control her emotions and not let them get the better of her. Korosu's been told multiple times that she let emotions get in the way of her actions—she "acted before she thought" and Itachi had no problems with telling her that it would someday get her killed.

"You're all loud." Itachi says quietly. Every noise stops in the kitchen as he speaks. "Korosu, come here and eat."

She scowls, but complies. She pulls out a stool and hops onto it, letting her legs swing freely. "Ne, Itachi ..." he looks her way. "Can we go on a mission?"

The corner of his lips twitch. "Speak with Pein-sama." It was the closest answer to a "yes" she was ever going to get.

Kisame watches the two and mutters under his breath, "What, am I chopped liver?"

"Sorry, Kisame." She smirks and winks at the blue-skinned man.

Slipping off the stool, leaving the untouched food behind, Korosu slides past everyone and hurries back down the hallway. It isn't very hard to dodge Sasori coming into the kitchen, she barely made it to everyone's shoulders.

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