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Clarke's POV



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"You look..." Nathan starts. "Perfect." I smile as we walk to the limo with my friends. 

"Thank you." I say. 

"Bellamy is going to kill me." He whispers. I laugh. 

"That's the plan." I say. He laughs. "Let's go." I say. 

We dance for hours. Bellamy glares at me the whole night. While we slow dance I close my eyes resting my head on Nathan's chest. Suddenly I shift backwards. I shoot my eyes open. "Bellamy?" I shout. I see Nathan on the floor with a bloody nose. "You can't have her. I told you she's mine." He growls. I grabs my arm, dragging me out of the venue. "What the hell?" I ask angrily. 

"You're coming with me." He says as we reach his car. 

"But where?" I ask getting in. 

"You'll see." He says driving speedily. 

"Really though Nathan?" He asks. 

"Yeah." I say. 

"Bullshit." He says. 

"You don't know how I feel about him." I respond. 

"I know how you felt about me, how you feel about me." He responds. 

"Cocky and egotistical as ever." I say rolling my eyes. 

"Confident in how I feel about you." He says. I smile, but quickly cover it by looking away.  "Still not good at hiding how you feel about me are you?" He says. I laugh. "Close your eyes." 

"No." I say. 

"Do it, Griffin." He says. I groan. He ties something around my eyes. I walk with him. I hear crunching noises. We stop. I feel him untie me. His hands linger in my hair. I pull it off. I look up. "" I say looking up at the most beautiful thing I've seen in a while. "Bellamy how did you?" I ask walking towards the treehouse. I touch the ladder. "You rebuilt it alone?" I ask. He nods. 

"And it's made of all the same pieces?" I ask. 

"And some extra wood, and steel bars. I don't want anything like what happened to happen again. " He says quietly. 

"I love it." I say. He hangs his head down. "Hey look at me." I say lifting his head to meet mine with my finger. He smiles. I move closer to him.  I brush my lips against him, and pull away. He cups my cheek in his hand. He presses his lips to mine. We pull away together. I look to the treehouse. "You want to go up?" He asks. 

"I can't, I mean, I don't want you to go up and get hurt again.I can't let you do that again." I say. 

"You're right." He says. "I don't know what I was thinking." 

"Hey, we are still doing this, but I want our first time, again, to be perfect." I say. He smiles. "Let's go." 

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