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Clarke's POV

"Let's go!" Coach shouts and we run out of the locker room. I walk into the gym with the girls. The boys are all waiting. "Okay today we are playing capture the flag. New captains. Blake and Murphy." Coach says.
"Which one?" Octavia asks.
"Bellamy." Coach says and Bellamy moves toward the front of the gym.
"You can pick first." Murphy says and Bellamy smiles.
"Clarke." Bellamy says. I walk towards him slowly. He smiles.
"Emori." Murphy says and she moves near him happily.
"How sweet the captains pick their girlfriends first." Coach Indra says.
"What?" Bellamy and I both shout. The gym fills with laughter. I roll my eyes and they continue picking teams. After we go to our sides Bellamy walks towards me. "Still running away from me Griffin?" He asks.
"Are you talking about this yesterday morning?" I ask remembering the hoodie situation.
"Mhm." He says smiling.
"I wasn't trying to run from you. I had a problem." I say.
"Oh I see. A lady problem?" He whispers.
"No what the hell. An outfit change." I say scoffing. "Haven't you learned not to ask about that stuff by now?"
"No." He whispers smiling. I turn my head back to the game.
"Why did you change your outfit anyway?" He asks watching people so they can't get on our side.
"None of your business." I say moving away from him.
"Did it have anything to do with you wearing my sweatshirt?" He asks loudly enough for me to hear as I walk away. I look back to him. "Shut up." I say and look to the other side. I sprint into the safe zone and make it. I wave the flag in Murphy's face. "Whatever you aren't getting back on your side."  Emori laughs walking towards me. I look to Bellamy. He smiles as he runs to the safe zone with me. Emori and Murphy watch us. Miller shouts, "Wow two couples on the court!"
"Ooooooo" They all shout. I roll my eyes and hand the flag to Bellamy. He watches as Murphy and Emori whisper to each other. Emori makes a run to our side. Bellamy quickly throws the flag to me and runs out of the safe zone distracting Murphy. I run to our side with the flag before Emori can. "Yeah!" I shout. Murphy and Emori's head drop. I run to Bellamy. He opens his arms. I look around at all the people in the gym. I stick out my hand and he high fives me. He looks confused but turns to the rest of the kids. They cheer as we leave the gym. I walk to my locker and grab my bag. I walk out to my car. "We're waiting." Octavia says leaning against my car with Emori, Raven, And Harper. I open the trunk and they throw their bags in the back. I get in the drivers seat and follow behind Bellamy onto the expressway. "Octavia you are in charge of the AUX and these songs are terrible. It's fall. No one likes country in the fall." Emori says.
"Are you kidding me? Luke Bryan." Octavia says swaying her head.
"It's trash." Harper says laughing.
"Okay okay fine." Octavia says and types in a song on her phone.
"Yeah this is fine." Raven says swaying her head to the song Octavia put on.
"Okay now lets spill the tea." Emori says.
"On what?" I ask.
"On you and my brother." Octavia says.
"No tea." I say. They all laugh.
"Yeah right you two are the most dramatic ass sophomores ever. You both almost died twice since you've been here." Harper says with a laugh. 

"Fine what do you guys want to know." I ask. 

"Are you dating?" Raven asks. 

"No!" I shout and they all sit back. 

"Well do you want to date him?" Octavia asks. 

"No well I don't know. I don't think so." I respond.

"Oh." They say in unison. 

"I mean he isn't interested in me." I say. 

"She's kidding right?" Harper asks. 

"What?" I ask. 

"He has literally had a thing for you every summer since we were in seventh grade." Octavia says and I shrug. "I used to have to listen to him complain about not seeing you for months." 

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