You're Here!

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Clarke's POV

"Guess who go their license?" I ask while running to Octavia. She jumps up. 

"You're here!" She shouts running into my arms. 

"I am." I say showing her my license. 

"Take me on a ride!" She shouts jumping into my car. I slide in and start it. "Tell me everything." She says as we drive through Arkadia. 

"Okay as you know my mom just go transferred here, and I convinced her to move here early and let me skip med camp." I say. 

"Wow this is amazing. We haven't seen you in like a month." She says smiling brightly. 

"I know I can't wait to see everyone, Jasper, Monty,Miller, Bryan,  Raven, Murphy, Emori, Lincoln, Harper..." I say reminiscing. 

"They were so excited when I told them you were moving here, they all thought you'd be here in another month." 

"Well here I am." I pause and then continue, "Have they changed at all since camp?" 

"No Clarke I am sure they all still love you." She says nudging me. 

"So how is Lincoln?" I ask her winking. 

"He's great. He is so excited for soccer season, but school doesn't start for another month." She says laughing. "You are so going to Cedar Point with us tomorrow." 

"Oh yay!" I say turning to her. I stop when she screams, "Raven look who it is!" 

"Clarke?" Raven asks as I am stopped in the middle of the street. 

"Raven get in." I say as a car behind me beeps. She slides in the back and hugs me. 

"Why are you here?" She asks happily. 

"They moved early." Octavia responds smiling. 

"Okay turn here." Raven says pointing towards a small park. I turn and see Jasper, Monty, and Murphy throwing grass at each other.

"Get in!"Octavia shouts and they pile in and ask in unison, "Clarke?" 

"In the flesh." I say smiling. 

"Wait, you can drive?" Murphy asks. 

"Got my license yesterday." I say showing it to them. 

"Wait, wait. How are you already here?" Jasper asks. 

"My mom moved here early." I say laughing. 

"Is she coming to Cedar Point with us tomorrow?" Monty asks. 

"Hell yeah." I shout turning up the music. I stop quickly when I see someone in the road. He looks up to me and smiles: Bellamy. I smile back and wave him over. "Party without me Griffin?" He asks climbing in the backseat. 

"This really is a small town." I say in response and continue driving. 

"Why are you here?" He asks. 

"Her mom moved her early!" Everyone shouts. 

"Damn calm down." He says. 

"She can drive!" Raven shouts. 

"No way!" Murphy responds. 

"How come none of you were this excited when I got my license?" Bellamy asks. 

"Because you never drive us anywhere. Clarke just got here and we are already going somewhere." Jasper responds. 

"Where are we going anyway?" Bellamy asks. 

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