How could you?

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Clarke's POV

The date was perfect. He took me to lunch and we watched the sky turn dark together in the woods. We had been dating for two weeks.  "Hi Bell." I say getting in the car. "You feeling better?" I ask. 

"Yeah, just a day's cold." He says with a smile. 

"Good, I missed you." I say quickly pecking his cheek. 

"I missed you too, Griffin." He says and look away from me. Weird. 

"You have a game tonight right?" I ask. 

"Yeah." He says. "And you'll be there right?" 

"Of course. I love watching you running around all sexy and sweaty." I say. He laughs. 

"Yeah. Right." He says and looks down like he's upset.

"You okay?" I ask. 

"Yeah, just uh getting over the cold." He says smiling. 

"Okay." I say and bit my lip. We drive to school and head to our classes. At lunch I sit with him. "Oh my God. I had the worst test today in Calc. I literally did not know any of the answers. I just like couldn't." I say. 

"Oh, that uh...that sucks." He says. 

"Are you okay? You seem less than focused today." I say. 

"I'm fine." He says angrily. 

"Oh okay." I look down. "I'm sorry." 

"Don't be sorry I just...I've been having a hard couple of days." He says. 

"Then talk to me." I say. 

"I can't." He says. 

"Why not?" I ask. He stares at me as Octavia and Lincoln sit with us. 

"Hey." Octavia says. 

"Hi." I say still looking Bellamy. 

"How was your test?" Octavia asks. 

"Perfect." I say. 


"No I'm 99 percent sure I failed." I say. She laughs. I see a girl walk up to us. "Who's that?" I ask. 

"Gina, she's our age." Octavia whispers. Bellamy looks up. "Bellamy." Gina says. He exhales sharply. "You left your phone at my place last night. I thought you might need it so you could call me." She says winking. I feel tears rushing to my eyes. "C." Octavia says. I get up and start sprinting away. I run out of school and into the parking lot. "Clarke, wait." Bellamy yells. "Clarke listen." I keep running towards the woods. "Clarke. I wasn't thinking straight. I got scared .of the commitment. But I love you." I stop and turn around. He grabs my arm. "Don't touch me." I say backing away from him. 

"Please Clarke." He begs. 

"How could you?" I ask. He looks sad. "You know how I feel about you, and you slept with someone else." I say. 

"I know. I'm sorry Clarke." He says walking toward me. I step back. 

"You don't or you wouldn't have." I say. " I slept with you against my better judgement because I thought you loved me, but you don't." I say. 

"Clarke." He says. 

"I don't know who you are anymore. I shouldn't have done that with you when you clearly have no respect for me." I say. "And I can't be with someone who..who runs away from commitment and sleeps with random girls." 

"So you're just going to end it. Like this. We have something special Clarke." He says and walks toward me and kisses me. I push him off. 

"No you can't just kiss me and expect everything go back to normal." I say. "I was in a relationship like this with Wells, and I can't do that anymore." I step away from him and turn so my back is to him. "This is done." I say and walk away into the woods. I feel his eyes on my back like daggers stabbing me, repetitively. 

I didn't go to the game that night. Evidently, neither did Bellamy. He stood on my porch all night. My mom has a soft spot for him and let him in. Thankfully, I locked my bedroom door so he couldn't get in. I hear a bang against my window. I stand up and walk over. I look out at him smiling. I close my blinds. About 30 minutes I hear a knock on my door.  "Go away Bellamy." I yell. 

"It's actually your other favorite Blake." Octavia says. I jump up and open the door. 

"Hey." I say. 

"Hi." She says sitting with me. I can't help the tears from streaming out of me.

"I love him, O." I cry. 

"I know Clarke." She says hugging me. "I know." 

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